Inter­na­tional Confer­ence “Security in Times of Rapid Change”

When? June 23rd, 10am — 5.30pm (CEST)
Where? Digital via Zoom and analogous in Berlin if possible (regis­tra­tion required)

The world is changing rapidly. Digi­tal­iza­tion, the conver­sion towards a climate neutral economy, the corona pandemic, the newly starting debate about justice, global migration — the chal­lenges of the 2020s are manifold. Rapid change leads to massive inse­cu­rity. Politics therefore needs to provide “Security in Times of Rapid Change”.

The expert comission “Security in Times of Rapid Change” presented 55 policy proposals in 2019. Now, two years and a global pandemic later, we want to discuss them again with experts from Germany and beyond.

With: Dr. Kai Unzicker, Bertels­mann Foun­da­tion; Roman Zitzels­berger, IG-Metall Baden-Würt­tem­berg; Prof. Dr. Anne Sliwka, Univer­sity of Heidel­berg; Dr. Nicola Brandt, OECD Berlin; Prof. Dr. Marius Busemeyer, Univer­sity of Konstanz; Ted Cantle, iCoCo Foun­da­tion, United Kingdom; Prof. Dr. Edgar Grande, WZB Berlin; Ralf Fücks, Center for Liberal Modernity und many more

The confer­ence will be held in German and English and will be trans­lated simul­ta­ne­ously. The project is funded by the German Federal Agency for Civic Engage­ment (BPB).

Please register here. If the Covid-19-situation is getting better, we will have the possi­bility to host some partic­i­pants in Berlin. Please write it into your regis­tra­tion if you are inter­ested. We will contact you if we have free space.

If you have any further questions, don’t hesitate to contact Rainald Manthe (

Best wishes



Time Content
10am ‑10.20am Welcome and Intro­duc­tion to Security in Times of Rapid Change

Ralf Fücks, Center for Liberal Modernity

10.20am-10.50am Social cohesion in Germany in 2021

Dr. Kai Unzicker, Bertels­mann Foundation

10.50am-11.00am Short pause
11.00am-12.15pm Education and lifelong learning as key to greater self-efficacy 

Claudia Dunst, IG Metall (Indus­trial Union of Metal­workers) Baden-Württemberg

Prof. Dr. Anne Sliwka, Univer­sity of Heidelberg

Moder­a­tion: Rainald Manthe, Center for Liberal Modernity

12.15pm ‑1pm Lunch break
1pm‑1.30pm Keynote: Prof. Dr. Armin Nassehi, Ludwig Maxi­m­il­ians Univer­sity Munich
1.30pm‑2.45pm New forms of coop­er­a­tion between state, busi­nesses and civil society
Prof. Dr. Achim Wambach, ZEW – Leibniz Centre for European Economic Research

Ted Cantle, iCoCo Foun­da­tion, UK

Moder­a­tion: Prof. Dr. Edgar Grande, WZB Berlin Social Science Center

2.45pm-3pm Coffee Break
3pm‑4.30pm New instru­ments for the welfare state

Dr. Nicola Brandt, OECD Berlin

Prof. Dr. Marius Busemeyer, Univer­sity of Konstanz

Moder­a­tion: Ursula Weiden­feld, Author und Journalist

4.30pm‑5.30pm How can politics guarantee security in times of rapid change?

-          Dr. Anna Christ­mann, MdB, Green Party


Moder­a­tion: Ralf Fücks, Zentrum Liberale Moderne