International Conference “Security in Times of Rapid Change”
When? June 23rd, 10am — 5.30pm (CEST)
Where? Digital via Zoom and analogous in Berlin if possible (registration required)
The world is changing rapidly. Digitalization, the conversion towards a climate neutral economy, the corona pandemic, the newly starting debate about justice, global migration — the challenges of the 2020s are manifold. Rapid change leads to massive insecurity. Politics therefore needs to provide “Security in Times of Rapid Change”.
The expert comission “Security in Times of Rapid Change” presented 55 policy proposals in 2019. Now, two years and a global pandemic later, we want to discuss them again with experts from Germany and beyond.
With: Dr. Kai Unzicker, Bertelsmann Foundation; Roman Zitzelsberger, IG-Metall Baden-Württemberg; Prof. Dr. Anne Sliwka, University of Heidelberg; Dr. Nicola Brandt, OECD Berlin; Prof. Dr. Marius Busemeyer, University of Konstanz; Ted Cantle, iCoCo Foundation, United Kingdom; Prof. Dr. Edgar Grande, WZB Berlin; Ralf Fücks, Center for Liberal Modernity und many more
The conference will be held in German and English and will be translated simultaneously. The project is funded by the German Federal Agency for Civic Engagement (BPB).
Please register here. If the Covid-19-situation is getting better, we will have the possibility to host some participants in Berlin. Please write it into your registration if you are interested. We will contact you if we have free space.
If you have any further questions, don’t hesitate to contact Rainald Manthe (
Best wishes
Time | Content |
10am ‑10.20am | Welcome and Introduction to Security in Times of Rapid Change
Ralf Fücks, Center for Liberal Modernity |
10.20am-10.50am | Social cohesion in Germany in 2021
Dr. Kai Unzicker, Bertelsmann Foundation |
10.50am-11.00am | Short pause |
11.00am-12.15pm | Education and lifelong learning as key to greater self-efficacy
Claudia Dunst, IG Metall (Industrial Union of Metalworkers) Baden-Württemberg Prof. Dr. Anne Sliwka, University of Heidelberg Moderation: Rainald Manthe, Center for Liberal Modernity |
12.15pm ‑1pm | Lunch break |
1pm‑1.30pm | Keynote: Prof. Dr. Armin Nassehi, Ludwig Maximilians University Munich |
1.30pm‑2.45pm | New forms of cooperation between state, businesses and civil society Prof. Dr. Achim Wambach, ZEW – Leibniz Centre for European Economic Research Ted Cantle, iCoCo Foundation, UK Moderation: Prof. Dr. Edgar Grande, WZB Berlin Social Science Center |
2.45pm-3pm | Coffee Break |
3pm‑4.30pm | New instruments for the welfare state
Dr. Nicola Brandt, OECD Berlin Prof. Dr. Marius Busemeyer, University of Konstanz Moderation: Ursula Weidenfeld, Author und Journalist |
4.30pm‑5.30pm | How can politics guarantee security in times of rapid change?
- Dr. Anna Christmann, MdB, Green Party - Moderation: Ralf Fücks, Zentrum Liberale Moderne |