
Liberal democracy has come under pressure from various quarters: from the outside by author­i­tarian regimes, from within by populist movements and parties. This is all the more true of liber­alism as a school of thought and political practice. Although modern democ­ra­cies are built on this ideal tradition – from the prin­ci­ples of a liberal political consti­tu­tion to the market economy as the economic foun­da­tion of an open society – liber­alism has fallen into disrepute in large parts of the public. There are many approaches to a self-critical renewal of liberal theory and politics, both in Germany and inter­na­tion­ally. However, the corre­sponding discourses usually take place in parallel with each other, without touching and fertil­izing each other. In this dossier, we want to combine ideas of a new liberalism.

This project is supported by the ZEIT-Stiftung Ebelin und Gerd Bucerius: