State of Implementation of the Commitments on De-Oligarchization and Anti-Corruption by Georgia
Unlike Ukraine and Moldova, Georgia has not been given candidate status to EU-Membership in June 2022. In order to receive it, the country must fulfill twelve recommendations of the EU Commission, including reforms in the areas of deoligarchization and anti-corruption. In his policy brief, Sergi Kapanadze analyzes the current status in both areas and makes concrete recommendations for action.
In June 2022, the European Union proposed twelve priorities for Georgia to address as preconditions for receiving EU candidate status. The Georgian Dream Government immediately pledged to implement all of the conditions fully. To this end, working groups were set up in Parliament, and several legislative amendments were introduced. Civil society organizations and opposition parties published papers describing their visions for implementing the 12 conditionalities that same summer and also put forth specific legislative initiatives.
In July 2023, the ruling party of Georgia declared that all conditionalities had been implemented. The European Commission did not share its optimism, however. The Commission gave oral briefings on Georgia’s progress on implementing the conditionalities (as well as on that of Ukraine and Moldova) to the European Council in Brussels (at the ambassadorial level) and Stockholm (at the informal ministerial level) on 21 and 22 June. For this purpose, the Commission used a five-point scale (no progress, limited progress, some progress, good progress and completed) to describe the extent of implementation of priorities. In Georgia’s case, the Commission judged the implementation of three (ombudsman, ECtHR judgments, gender equality) of its twelve priorities to have been completed. On one priority (media freedom), the Commission saw no progress at all; on another (de-oligarchization), it identified only “limited progress”. Regarding the remaining eight priorities, the Commission reported that “some progress” had been made.
The views of the Georgian civil society organizations monitoring progress on the 12 priorities largely coincide with the European Commission’s assessment. According to the CSO assessment done regularly through the Candidacy Check, at least five conditions (de-polarization, independence of judiciary, de-oligarchization, media freedom and cooperation with the civil society) have yet to be fulfilled, whereas some progress has been made on the remaining seven. The transposition of the ECtHR judgments and greater gender equality come closest to being fully implemented.
These Brief attempts to sketch out the challenges of implementing Georgia’s commitments to de-oligarchization and the fight against corruption.
In June 2022, the EU called on Georgia “to implement the commitment to ‘de-oligarchization’ by eliminating the excessive influence of vested interests in economic, political, and public life”. This request was also repeated in the conditions for Moldova and Ukraine, albeit with different wording. In its oral report in June 2023, the European Commission welcomed the announcement by Georgian Dream leadership that it would not be adopting the draft law on de-oligarchization. Though, in fact, the ruling party only deferred the adoption of the legislation until late 2023 and statedthat it would not adopt the law only if the European Commission removed the issue from 12 conditionalities. EU, in turn, urged Georgia to adopt a “systemic approach” to de-oligarchization. Unfortunately, no systemic efforts of this kind have been undertaken by the Georgian Government thus far.
On the subject of anti-corruption measures, the EU requested Georgia to “strengthen the independence of its anti-corruption agency bringing together all key anti-corruption functions, in particular, to address high-level corruption cases rigorously; equip the new Special Investigative Service and Personal Data Protection Service with resources commensurate to their mandates and ensure their institutional independence.” In its oral assessment on 21 June, the European Commission stressed that full implementation of this priority would require measures ensuring that Georgia’s anti-corruption agency operates independently and noted that Georgia should consult the Venice Commission regarding the relevant draft legislation. The Commission also asked Georgia to reconsider withdrawing from the OECD anti-corruption network.
1.1 One sole oligarch, or many oligarchs?
De-oligarchization is considered one of the most controversial and ambiguous priorities, mainly because the European Commission has not been clear about who Georgia’s oligarchs are. Bidzina Ivanishvili is considered to be an oligarch by 35% of the Georgian respondents in a recent survey conducted by the Caucasus Research Resource Center (CRRC). Mr. Ivanishvili is the founder of the Georgian Dream party and a former prime minister. Although he hasn’t held any political post since 2013, many Georgians believe that the reclusive billionaire continues to rule behind the scenes. In contrast, only 3% of the respondents in the CRRC survey believed that former President Mikheil Saakashvili is an oligarch, and only 2% agreed that Mamuka Khazaradze, the founder of the TBC Bank and the political party Lelo, could be considered as such. The European Parliament clearly identified Bidzina Ivanishvili as an oligarch in resolutions adopted in June 2022 and December 2022. Civil society organizations and opposition parties also believe that Bidzina Ivanishvili is Georgia’s “sole oligarch”.
While there is no doubt about who is regarded as an oligarch in Georgia, the Georgian Dream swiftly moved to deflect arrows aimed at Bidzina Ivanishvili. Georgian Prime Minister Garibashvili even sent an open letter to the European Commission’s President, arguing that Mr. Ivanishvili was no longer involved in politics and that calling him an oligarch insulted him and the country. For the Georgian Dream party, the oligarchs in Georgia are individuals linked with the opposition parties and the critical media.
1.2 The “law” that does not solve the problem of oligarchic influence
In the summer of 2022, the Georgian Dream pledged to adopt legislation on de-oligarchization, echoing a similar pledge made by Ukraine. Though initially hesitant to send the draft legislation to the Venice Commission, the Georgian Dream “reluctantly agreed” to do so towards the end of 2022, following the passage of the draft law after its first reading in Parliament. In its final opinion on the proposed legislation, released in June 2023, Venice Commission strongly recommended that the Law on De-oligarchization be abandoned, as it embraced a “personal” approach, whereas a “systemic” approach was preferable for tackling the de-oligarchization issue.
Georgian civil society organizations opposed adopting the de-oligarchization legislation right from the outset, making it clear in July 2022 that carrying out a de-oligarchization agenda using legal instruments would not be possible in a country ruled by an oligarch. The CSOs made an alternative proposal: that the fulfilment of all 11 conditions that do not directly address de-oligarchization ought to be considered as collectively fulfilling the de-oligarchization condition as well. Their rationale was that the influence of the oligarch would automatically be reduced by effective action to strengthen the judiciary, reduce polarization, make state institutions more accountable, ensure free and fair elections, establish parliamentary oversight and power-sharing, guarantee a free and independent media environment and ensure the independence of both the anti-corruption agency and the person appointed as Ombudsperson. Smaller opposition parties, i.e. Lelo, Strategy the Builder, Droa and Girchi, agreed with the CSOs and joined them in calling on the Government to abandon the de-oligarchization legislation and focus on the other 11 conditionalities. Several EU member states also pointed out that the EU had never called on the Georgian government to adopt such legislation.
However, not everyone involved took this position. The EU Delegation to Georgia and EU Commissioner Várhelyi (Neighbourhood and Enlargement) both indicated that a law that was approved by the Venice Commission would be a positive development. And while United National Movement, the largest opposition party, disagreed in principle with the substance of the draft law proposed by the Georgian Dream, rather than rejecting the idea of law altogether, it came up with an alternative proposal for legislation targeting solely Mr Ivanishvili. Unsurprisingly, the UNM’s bill was neither debated in the Parliament nor sent to the Venice Commission but was quietly voted down at the Legal Committee session in early 2023.
Going on record as condoning a legislative approach to the problem of oligarchic influences proved to be a tactical mistake by the United National Movement and several high-ranking EU officials. A mistake that Georgian Dream capitalized on, shifting the discourse to the nature of the draft law and which the Venice Commission’s earlier recommendations should be taken on board. This took the pressure off of Georgian Dream and put them in a position to bargain. As one of the Georgian Dream leaders quipped in late 2022, if everyone, including the EU and the opposition, agreed and asked the Georgian Dream not to pass the law, they would withdraw it– on the condition that this move would count towards successful implementation of the fifth conditionality.
In June 2023, the Venice Commission issued a final report on the Law on De-oligarchization, which warned against adopting the law in its current form. The European Commission also welcomed this assessment. Georgian Dream initially planned to adopt the legislation nonetheless but later backtracked and pledged to defer its adoption, implying that it would not scrap the legislation if the European Union removed the condition of “de-oligarchization” altogether.
1.3 What does the draft law say?
Under the initial version of the draft law, which is nearly identical to the corresponding Ukrainian, persons who had been designated oligarchs by the Government would have been subject to multiple restrictions on their political and financial activities, for example, barring them from making donations to political parties and political activities, or rallies, and from involvement in the privatization of the state assets. However, some of these provisions were scrapped after negative feedback from the Venice Commission in its interim opinion (March 2023). The current draft would impose an obligation on individuals participating in public life to report any contact with persons designated as oligarchs and bar such individuals from participating in processes privatizing state assets, but it would not prohibit them from financing political parties and activities or owning media companies. At this time, it is unclear what the sanctions for violations of the reporting duty would be. Under the current draft, the recently established National Anti-Corruption Agency, the NACA, would decide who is an oligarch. The head of this agency, which has no investigative functions, is appointed by the prime minister.
In its final opinion on the draft law (released in June 2023), the Venice Commission recommended that Georgian not adopt the law. This is something the Commission rarely does, and the wording it used was of unprecedented sternness. Even before this development, though, it appeared that adopting the draft law would be unwise even with all the recommendations taken on board. If such a law were passed, it would be largely ineffective in reducing oligarchic influences. This is chiefly because the law would not have applied to Mr. Ivanishvili, which is something Georgian Dream leaders made clear from the very start. The law would only be used to target individuals who supported the opposition political parties and critical media: when Georgian Dream leaders talk about oligarchs who exert influence on Georgian politics and economy, they name people like David Kezerashvili, the owner of Formula TV and a supporter of the United National Movement; Koba Nakopia, an MP from the United National Movement who holds shares in the private television company Mtavari TV, and Mamuka Khazaradze and Badri Japaridze, founders of the TBC Bank and leaders of the Lelo political party. Thus the EU’s call for Georgia to reduce oligarchic influence in the political and economic life of the country might be transformed in the hands of the Government into a tool with which to punish political opponents, independent media and civil society organizations, which Georgian Dream frequently accuses of being in cahoots with various alleged oligarchs.
Thus, it is clear that the draft law, if passed, will not address the oligarch’s influence in Georgian politics as the Government itself is dominated and controlled by the oligarch. Prominent ministers, including the prime minister, are personal loyalists of Mr Ivanishvili (who previously held positions in the latter’s Kartu Bank), just as many political leaders in Parliament. Moreover, if the law is enacted, this will show blatant disregard for the Venice Commission’s and European Commission’s positions.
1.4 De-oligarchization: an unfulfilled conditionality
Thus, to put it bluntly, the Georgian Dream has treated the EU’s conditionality of de-oligarchization as a joke. The Venice Commission and European Commission have clarified that the law will be counter-productive and that the Georgian Government should take a systemic approach to tackling the problem. The draft law, if passed, will do more harm than good.
The European Union’s insistence that Georgia takes effective de-oligarchization measures springs from a legitimate concern. There can be no doubt about Mr. Ivanishvili’s influence on major political issues and policies, such as arresting political opponents, attacking free media, not joining sanctions on Russia, maintaining cold relations with Ukraine, restoring direct flights to and from Russia, maintaining polarization as a political tool to help those with political power to keep it, and most importantly, maintaining harsh anti-Western rhetoric.
2.1. NACA – a new agency with new functions
Georgian Dream created a new entity, the National Anti-Corruption Agency (NACA), to address the fourth priority. According to the legislation establishing the NACA, the agency’s main task is to facilitate the fight against corruption by providing oversight of the national anti-corruption strategic documents and action plans, ensuring the coordination of the activities of the relevant agencies, monitoring the asset declarations of high-ranking public officials, improving safeguards for whistle-blowers and monitoring the financing of political parties.
The Anti-corruption Agency is accountable to the Parliament and to the inter-agency National Anti-corruption Council through its obligation to report to both of these bodies regularly. As its mandate consists primarily of analytical and information-gathering tasks, NACA has often been referred to as a think tank-type agency, and many observers doubt its ability to effectively address high-level corruption of the kind that the EU has called for.
It is possible that the NACA will be given an additional function in connection with creating a registry of oligarchs. If the Georgian Dream decides to ignore the negative feedback from the Venice Commission and the European Commission and pass its draft law on de-oligarchization after its third reading in 2023, then NACA will be put in charge of designating individuals as oligarchs and enforcing some aspects of the legislation.
2.2 Curbed independence and limited functions of the NACA
The head of the NACA is appointed by the prime minister, which raises serious questions about the institution’s independence. Georgian Dream never even considered adopting a model that would require the approval of a 2/3 majority in the Parliament or grant substantial powers to civil society organizations (CSOs) concerning the nomination of candidates for this post. Some of the opposition parties proposed that Parliament should decide on the appointment with a 2/3 majority, which would require the ruling majority and the opposition to agree on a joint candidate. Georgian Dream rejected this proposal outright, though. In its oral report in June 2023, the European Commission stressed that the independence of the NACA was an essential criterion for assessing the implantation of this priority.
Currently, the nomination procedure creates a selection committee with members representing various state institutions and CSOs, with the majority of the committee seats being held by the Government. The selection process is based on an open competitive procedure open to any and all candidates. The selection committee reviews the applications and then nominates several candidates to the prime minister, who then appoints one of them to a six-year term as the head of the NACA. A selection procedure held in early 2023 resulted in the appointment of Mr Razhden Kuprashvili to the post. Mr. Kuprashvili has led the Legal Aid Service (another state agency) since 2019. Transparency International, which took part in the selection process, did not observe any significant violations or foul play during the process; however, various CSOs have expressed doubts about the independence of Mr. Kuprashvili, the first person to hold this post, as he is known to be a close acquaintance of the prime minister.
The most significant deficit of the newly established NACA is its lack of investigative functions, which precludes effective action on its part in a law-enforcement role. The main focus of criticism from opposition parties and civil society about the NACA has concerned these two deficits – lack of independence and investigative functions.
2.3 Previous initiatives
Before adopting the legislation that established the NACA, several opposition parties had submitted earlier legislative initiatives on this issue, inspired by the relative success of the independent anti-corruption entities in Romania and Ukraine. The opposition party Lelo for Georgia, for instance, introduced a legislative package of this kind in 2021. However, Georgian Dream never even discussed the package. Several former Georgian Dream MPs had also submitted a set of bills on this subject in the previous Parliament. This package, which was initiated by ex-MPs Tamar Chugoshvili, Tamar Khulordava, Irine Pruidze, Nino Goguadze, Dimitri Tskitishvili and Transparency International Georgia, was shelved right at the start and never was taken up in Parliament.
In October 2022, Lelo requested that Parliament turn its attention back to the legislative package about the anti-corruption agency submitted by the opposition in 2021. The “national anti-corruption agency” established under that proposal would have been an independent government institution with investigative functions. It would have been accountable to the Parliament, and its chairperson would have been elected by the legislature for a five-year term. In addition, the State Security Service would have relinquished its role in the fight against corruption as this role would have been transferred to this new agency. The agency would be mandated to prevent public service corruption, monitor public servants’ asset declarations and watch over political parties’ financing. In addition, the proposed legislation would also have provided criminal immunity to the head of the agency unless that person was arrested at a crime scene. Lelo’s proposal provided for the single-term election of the chairperson. As stated above, this bill was never seriously considered by the Georgian Dream, even though it probably came closer to meeting the EU’s requirements than the approach ultimately adopted.
2.4. Special Investigation Service and the Personal Data Protection Service
The anti-corruption priority also includes ensuring the independence and provision of adequate resources for the Special Investigation Service and the Personal Data Protection Service.
These agencies were created in late 2021 when the Georgian Dream decided to abolish the State Inspector’s Service (SIS) and divide up its mandate. It was widely believed this move was motivated by a desire to fire the head of the SIS, Londa Toloraia, who was not averse to taking steps that GD interpreted as political and aimed against their party interests. The final straw came in November 2021, when the SIS investigated the allegations that Mikheil Saakashvili had been treated inhumanely. The State Inspector’s Service concluded that the Ministry of Justice and the Special Penitentiary Service violated the Law on Personal Data Protection by releasing footage and photographs of Mikheil Saakashvili being transferred from Rustavi Prison to the Gldani Prison’s medical facility against his will.
This proved to be one step too far for the Georgian Dream, which immediately abolished the SIS, breaking up its personnel into two separate agencies despite criticism from the President of Georgia, the opposition and US and EU partners. The US Embassy to Georgia stated that “by abolishing the State Inspector’s Service, the ruling party undermined the government’s accountability,” while the EU Ambassador took an even harsher line, pointing out that the dismantlement of SIS “put into question the respect for democratic institutions and proper democratic oversight mechanisms.”
Georgian Dream appointed two relatively loyal figures to head the newly created agencies. After they and their work cropped up in the EU’s conditionalities, Georgian Dream strengthened their functions. On 30 November 2022, Parliament expanded the investigative powers of the Special Investigative Service. In particular, the Special Investigation Service is now empowered to lead investigations launched when the European Court of Human Rights finds a violation enshrined in the European Convention on Human Rights, a task which formerly fell to the Prosecutor’s Office.
Parliament also supported a package of legislative amendments intended to strengthen the Personal Data Protection Service as an institution. The amendments strengthened social protection guarantees for its employees and imposed a statute of limitations for the commission of an administrative offence by an agency employee. Changes were also made to the Parliamentary Rules of Procedure – in particular, providing for the heads of the Special Investigation Service and of the Personal Data Protection Service to submit information to Parliament, at Parliament’s request, about legislative shortcomings identified during their work processes, as well as opinions on measures to address these shortcomings and steps to increase the efficiency of the performance of their respective service.
2.5 Tackling corruption in real life?
Several journalistic investigations carried out by Georgian media have exposed corruption on the part of Georgian Dream members. Recent reports by TV Pirveli unveiled that Prime Minister Irakli Gharibashvili regularly receives hefty monetary gifts from his father. There have also been numerous reports about his family members receiving properties, including from the state. None of these allegations have been investigated by law enforcement officials. The institution currently in charge of fighting corruption – the State Security Service, completely ignored these reports, as it always does when the opposition media or civil society organizations uncover foul play in connection with the expenditure of public funds or indications of receiving illegal income by high-ranking officials. In theory, the independent anti-corruption agency should have investigated such cases; however, the current NACA does not have investigative powers enabling it to react to media reports of this kind, even if they are highly credible.
It is worth noting that the opposition and civil society assigned little priority to this conditionality. Therefore, Georgian Dream opted to pass the minimum of legislative changes and create the NACA with limited functions, hoping that this would be considered sufficient for ticking the box as counting towards the progress on the fourth priority. It appears that this strategy has paid off – the conditionality was assessed as having been partially completed, even though the missing elements – independence and investigative functions – are crucial for fully implementing the EU’s fourth priority.
The European Commission and the EU Member States will have to take a decision on whether candidacy status for Georgia in late 2023. According to the latest assessment, Georgia has implemented three of the twelve conditionalities and has made either limited progress (de-oligarchization) or some progress (remaining eight) on the others. A great deal of political will and effort on the part of the Georgian Dream will be required to persuade the European Commission that the leadership is taking the de-oligarchization and anti-corruption conditions seriously and that the steps aimed at their implementation are tangible and result-oriented rather than mere window dressing.
Given that the de-oligarchization priority remains un-implemented and that steps have not been taken to safeguard the independence of the Anti-corruption Agency and empowered to conduct investigations, I believe that the only viable strategy for the European Commission and the Council is as follows:
- Only once all 12 recommendations, including the de-oligarchization and anti-corruption, have been fully implemented should the Commission should issue a favourable report on the candidate status, acknowledging the strong European identity of the Georgian people;
- The European Commission and Council should continue to insist that the Draft Law on De-oligarchization in its current form not be enacted and emphasize that tackling de-oligarchization will require significant systemic reforms of the judiciary, anti-corruption reforms and power-sharing;
- The European Commission and Council should continue to insist on the creation of a genuinely independent anti-corruption agency that has investigative functions and can bring high-level officials and ruling party politicians to justice if need be;
- The European Union should consider sanctioning those individuals who act as the tools of oligarchic influence, including the judges that the US State Department sanctioned in April 2023, as well as politicians implicated in cases of high-level corruption and those who are hindering the actions to combat corruption in Georgia.
Dr Sergi Kapanadze is a founder and a director of the board of Georgia’s Reforms Associates (GRASS). He is also a Professor of Peace Studies, International Relations and European Integration at the Ilia State University (Tbilisi) and holder of the Jean Monnet Chair at the Caucasus University (Tbilisi). A former vice speaker of the Georgian Parliament, he has also served as a deputy foreign minister of Georgia.
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