Anna Hudz

Human Resources Manager

Foto: Stefan Lengsfeld


T +49 30 — 25 09 58 72

Anna Hudz is respon­sible for all personnel-related issues: Super­vi­sion of the entire recruiting process and appli­ca­tion manage­ment, personnel admin­is­tra­tion, support and advice for the manage­ment and employees in all questions of personnel manage­ment and labour law; prepa­ra­tion of payroll accounting; prepa­ra­tion of eval­u­a­tions and key figures.

In addition to HR, Anna Hudz has profes­sional expe­ri­ence in online marketing (e.g. at Zalando) and in sales. Manage­ment and sole respon­si­bility for the areas of finance, human resources, and office management.