Friederike Raiser

Project director o[s]tklick

Foto: Stefan Lengsfeld


T +49 30 — 13 89 36 22

Friederike Raiser’s area of expertise lies in the devel­opment of political education formats and materials that incor­porate both the analogue and digital space. Her areas of expertise include democ­ratic compe­tence in the post-migrant society, dealing with group-focused misan­thropy and disin­for­mation. She initially worked on the Gegner­analyse project, then joined the o[s]tklick area of activity in 2020, which she has headed since 2024.

Her focus is on the devel­opment and imple­men­tation of political education formats. She has worked for the Heinrich Böll Foundation, the Landeszen­trale für politische Bildung Baden-Württemberg and at various schools, among others. At LibMod, she initially worked on the “New Right” in the Gegner­analyse project. She studied Social Studies/​Law/​Economics (B.Ed.) in Dresden and Granada and Socio­cul­tural Studies (M.A.) at the European University Viadrina.