Genocide in Ukraine and German historical responsibility

Foto: Imago Images

Open letter to the German Government and the Bundestag: Russian warfare fulfils the central charac­ter­istics of genocide. Germany must fulfil its “Respon­si­bility to Protect”.

Dear Ladies and Gentlemen

we would like to draw your attention to the letter which renowned histo­rians, experts in inter­na­tional law and public figures have addressed to the Bundestag and the German Government.

In response to the crimes of Nazi Germany, the United Nations General Assembly in 1948 adopted the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of Genocide. The Convention obliges the inter­na­tional community to take preventive action to avert the danger of genocide and to protect threatened civilian populations.

At present, a war of exter­mi­nation is taking place before our eyes against the people of Ukraine, which bears all the hallmarks of genocide.

The letter’s signa­tories call on the Bundestag and the German Government to live up to their “Respon­si­bility to Protect”.

Furthermore, lawmakers and the government should ensure that those respon­sible for wars of aggression and genocide, war crimes and crimes against humanity are held accountable.

What is the sense in the German “Never Again” mantra if we do not do every­thing in our might to stop the genocide in Ukraine – a country where the Wehrmacht and the SS committed horrific crimes during World War II.

Marieluise Beck & Ralf Fücks

Center for Liberal Modernity
Reinhardtstr. 15
10117 Berlin

Open letter to the Federal Government and the Bundestag


Nobody can say we didn’t know

Ladies and Gentlemen, Dear Members of Parliament,

In response to the crimes of the Nazis, the inter­na­tional community came together in 1948 and negotiated the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of Genocide.

Whoever holds a political mandate in Germany has got a special oblig­ation to protect this core of inter­na­tional criminal law. Otherwise, the German vow of “never again” would lose any meaning. The German acts of aggression, the Genocide of the European Jews, the horrific war crimes and crimes against humanity against the Slavic population in Eastern Europe during the Second World War put a heavy onus on the German people to do every­thing in their power to prevent those crimes in the future. Not by accident did Ukrainian-Jewish associ­a­tions turn to Germany for protection when the Russian war of aggression began on February 24.

Today we are confronted with a war of exter­mi­nation in the middle of Europe, which shows all the charac­ter­istics of genocide.

Article II of the United Nations Genocide Convention defines genocide as acts committed with the intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnic, racial or religious group as such. The Convention obligates the inter­na­tional community to take preventive action to avert the threat of genocide and to protect the threatened civilian population.

A current jurispru­dential study by the renowned Wallenberg Centre for Human Rights and the New Lines Institute for Strategy & Policy[1] metic­u­lously demon­strates that Russian warfare bears the central charac­ter­istics of an intended genocide. These include:

  • Threats of exter­mi­nation and systematic incitement to acts of violence against the Ukrainian civilian population by Russian officials and state media.
  • Negation of an independent national identity of Ukraine.
  • Dehuman­ization and demonization of the Ukrainian nation (“fascists,” “scum,” “beasts”)
  • Mass killing (execution) of civilians.
  • Targeted attacks against shelters (for example, in the theatre of Mariupol) and escape routes of the civilian population.
  • Bombardment of purely residential neigh­bor­hoods with heavy artillery, rockets and air strikes.
  • Targeted destruction of life-sustaining civilian infra­structure (hospitals, energy, and water supplies).
  • Cutting off human­i­tarian corridors of besieged cities.
  • Attacks on food supplies for the population.
  • Multiple acts of unpun­ished rape and other forms of sexual violence.
  • Depor­tation of about one million Ukrainians from the occupied terri­tories to Russia, among them about 200,000 children.
  • Systematic banishment of Ukrainian culture and language in the Russian-occupied terri­tories (“Deukrainization”).

In light of these most serious crimes, we call on the German Bundestag and the Federal Government to live up to their “Respon­si­bility to Protect”. This means doing every­thing in our power to strengthen Ukraine’s self-defense, including the continued supply of heavy weapons, and to stop Russia’s war of annihilation.

Given the uninhibited violence of the Russian occupying power, any specu­lation on a “terri­torial compromise” that would leave Russia in control of the conquered terri­tories is simply irrespon­sible. It would be a nail in the coffin for inter­na­tional law and the European security order if losses of territory due to the crime of aggression committed by Russia and its corre­sponding massive war crimes were de facto accepted.

We also call on the Federal Government and the Bundestag to provide personnel and financial support for securing evidence and punishing the horrific crimes committed by Russia. Those respon­sible for acts of aggression and genocide, war crimes and crimes against humanity must be held accountable.


Prof. Timothy Garton Ash
Marieluise Beck
Volker Beck
Prof. Jan Claas Behrends
Prof. Wolfgang Eichwede
Ian McEwan
Ralf Fücks
Remko Leemhuis
Prof. Otto Luchterhandt
Prof. Georg Milbradt
Prof. Dr. Tanja Penter
Anne Rubesame
Irina Scherbakowa
Prof. Karl Schlögel
Prof. Martin Schulze Wessel
Prof. Timothy Snyder
Prof. Christian Tomuschat

[1] An Independent Legal Analysis of the Russian Federation’s Breaches of the Genocide Convention in Ukraine and the Duty to Prevent, May 2022