Nicole Jundt

Social-Media- and Community-Manage­ment o[s]tklick

Foto:Stefan Lengsfeld


T +49 30 — 13 89 36 22


Nicole Jundt maintains and manages the social media presences of o[s]tklick. Active exchange with the online commu­ni­ties is just as important as digital networking, strategy planning, content creation, and eval­u­a­tion of the channels.

Nicole Jundt is a cultural scientist who studied liter­a­ture, art and media studies, and Slavic studies with a focus on (post-)Yugoslavian liter­a­ture and film in Konstanz, Tübingen, and Moscow. Various stays abroad in Eastern and South-Eastern Europe have shaped her profile. Previ­ously, she worked in the Depart­ment of Liter­a­ture at the Slavic Seminar of the Univer­sity of Tübingen and at the Institute for Danube-Swabian History and Regional Studies in the Depart­ment of Modern History.