Oliver Geheeb

Public Relations Director

Foto: Stefan Lengsfeld


T +49 30 — 577 12 58 19




Einfach gut werben, BW-Verlag 2009, Lothar Gröschel, Oliver Geheeb, ISBN: 978–3821476803

Einfach gut werben. BW-Verlag, 2005, Gröschel, Oliver Geheeb, Christian Pfefferle, Holger Tegtmeyer, ISBN: 978–3821476469

Nutzhanf nutzt Hanf, Dokumen­tation, 2019, Heraus­geber: Prof. Sebastian Feucht (HTW Berlin) Oliver Geheeb, ISBN 978300618925

For more than 20 years, he led the agency for sustainable commu­ni­cation Gröschel_​Geheeb as managing director. He developed numerous campaigns for associ­a­tions of the renewable energy industry, ministries, NGOs and the exhibition project Element­Water to promote the UN resolution “Human right to water”. Previ­ously, he worked in public relations for the parlia­mentary group Bündnis 90/​ Die Grünen. Before studying visual commu­ni­cation in Düsseldorf, he worked as a dancer at the Schaus­pielhaus Frankfurt/​Main, and during his studies as a fashion photog­rapher in Düsseldorf and Vienna.



BTK Design­hochschule Berlin

Beuth Hochschule Berlin (now BHT, Unternehmens- und Personalmanagement)

HTW Berlin, Indus­triedesign Nutzhanf