Sonja Vogel

Project Director Gegneranalyse

Foto: Stefan Lengsfeld


T +49 30 — 577 12 58 41


Sonja Vogel is a jour­nalist, editor, and author. Her main topics are political discourse, right-wing extremism, and the post-Yugosla­vian space. After studying gender and Eastern European studies, she worked as a freelance jour­nalist in Serbia and Russia and was an editor and columnist for the “taz” for many years. As a public relations officer and editor, she worked at the Bauhaus Dessau Foun­da­tion until 2019 and then at the Maxim Gorki Theatre in Berlin. Until 2023, she headed the Coun­ter­media as a Radi­cal­i­sa­tion Machine project and has since been an editor in the Narrativ-Check project.


As an Author

  • Turbofolk. Sound­track zum Zerfall Jugoslaw­iens (Ventil Verlag, 2017, Mainz)
  • Kolumne German Angst (taz. die tageszeitung, 2014 – 2019)

As an Editor Editor

  • Todor Kuljić: Umkämpfte Vergan­gen­heiten. Die Kultur der Erin­nerung im postju­goslaw­is­chen Raum (Verbrecher Verlag, 2010 /​ Bundeszen­trale für poli­tische Bildung, 2011)
  • testcard. Beiträge zur Popgeschichte #20 Access Denied (Ventil Verlag)
  • testcard. Beiträge zur Popgeschichte #22 Fleisch (Ventil Verlag)