“Ukraine and the EU: How to keep up the Accession Momentum”

How have relations between Ukraine and the EU developed one and a half years after Ukraine was granted the EU candidate country status? What are the prospects for 2024? A policy paper by Miriam Kosmehl, Iryna Solonenko, Susan Stewart, Liubov Akulenko, Piotr Buras and Snizhana Diachenko.

One and a half years after the EU’s historic decision to grant Ukraine the EU candidate country status, the policy paper presents proposals and ideas for the further devel­op­ment of bilateral relations.

The prelim­i­nary version of the paper was first presented as an input paper for the round­table “Moving Towards EU Member­ship — Reforms in Ukraine and the EU as a Prereq­ui­site for Deeper Inte­gra­tion” organised jointly by LibMod and the Bertels­mann Stiftung on 19 September 2023.

The policy paper appears in the run-up to the publi­ca­tion of the annual enlarge­ment package by the European Commis­sion, which will assess inter alia Ukraine’s reform progress.

The policy paper examines how far Ukraine and the EU have moved  since gaining the candidate status and analyses the prospects for 2024. More specif­i­cally, it discusses Ukraine’s reforms to meet EU accession criteria, strengthen the rule of law and improve admin­is­tra­tive capacity. At the same time, it also examines the EU’s policies and efforts with regard to its own enlarge­ment capacity and ways to reform accession procedures.

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