EU Enlarge­ment — A Geopo­lit­ical Necessity and the Next Steps for the EU Candidate States

July 9–10: Center for Liberal Modernity in Tbilisi — inter­na­tional confer­ence with our partner orga­ni­za­tions aims at fostering collab­o­ra­tion among civil society orga­ni­za­tions from the eastern part­ner­ships and the Western Balkans and strenghten them on EU accession issues. Partic­i­pants will share their paths to EU member­ship, exchange best practices and develop joint initiatives.


Inter­na­tional Conference

9–10 July, 2024
Hilton Garden Inn Tbilisi
Chavchavadze 64a, Tbilisi, Georgia


Center for Liberal Modernity in Tbilisi: On July 9–10 we are orga­nizing an inter­na­tional confer­ence with our partner orga­ni­za­tions in the capital of Georgia.

Our aim: To create a platform for civil society orga­ni­za­tions from the eastern part­ner­ships and the Western Balkans in order to promote coop­er­a­tion on EU accession issues. We want to share the different paths to EU member­ship, exchange best practices and success stories, and develop joint initiatives.

Germany has played a crucial role in promoting and supporting the EU accession process of the Western Balkans. For example the Berlin Process has been a signif­i­cant contri­bu­tion to the European inte­gra­tion of three Eastern European EU candi­dates (Ukraine, Moldova, Georgia). It is therefore important to have four leading political foun­da­tions from Germany on board (KASM HBS, FES, FNS).

The confer­ence will bring together speakers and experts from various fields, including govern­ment officials, members of the Bundestag, academics and civil society representatives.

The event is part of the project Eastern Part­ner­ship Plus funded by the German Federal Foreign Office and it is supported by the Mercator Foundation.

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