How can the sustainable moderni­sation of the Ukrainian energy sector succeed, and can the country become a “Green Energy Hub” for Europe in the future?

What oppor­tu­nities, problems and solutions do Ukrainian energy experts see for the sustainable recon­struction of their country’s energy system? The policy paper “Ukraine’s Path Towards a Sustainable Energy Sector” summarises the results of our survey study and describes policy recommendations.

In the summer of 2023, the Ukrainian opinion research institute “Rating Group” was commis­sioned by LibMod to ask 52 Ukrainian energy experts from politics, industry and civil society what oppor­tu­nities, problems and approaches they see in the sustainable recon­struction of their country’s energy system and the debate about the European Green Deal.

The most important finding of the in-depth inter­views is: there is a very clear vision of a climate-friendly Ukraine. And even more: the ecological moderni­sation of the country is seen as an essential part of EU integration — and as a chance to free itself from post-Soviet structures.

It is also clear that a decen­tralised power supply is a contri­bution to the resilience of the commu­nities against Russian attacks on the energy infra­structure. In this context, moderni­sation also means more security.

However, all assess­ments are dependent on the further course of the war. For without a Ukrainian victory and Western security guarantees, Ukraine and the recon­struction process will be at risk of further Russian attacks. A prolonged war not only prolongs human suffering, but also hinders foreign investment.

In addition, a shortage of skilled workers and training is seen as one of the biggest challenges: Energy experts are needed both in companies and at all levels of government.

The study also shows that commu­nities in Ukraine are the driving force of the ecological trans­for­mation. Energy security and lower energy costs are the most important motives here. Many small and medium-sized cities and commu­nities are imple­menting various renewable energy projects and have ambitious plans for decen­tral­i­sation and moderni­sation of the energy sector.


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