Iliane Kiefer

Project Director o[s]tklick

Foto: Stefan Lengsfeld


T +49 30 — 13 89 36 61


o[s]tklick — democ­ratic response. Russian-Germans for Democracy on the Net.

As project manager, Iliane Kiefer is respon­sible for the management and content devel­opment of the o[s]tklick project, with a focus on political education and the teaching of history in the digital space. She super­vises the o[s]tklick videos as an editor and is respon­sible for content creation for the social media channels.

Iliane Kiefer studied Cultural Studies at the University of Leipzig and Curating Art at Stockholm University with a focus on feminism and migration. She worked at the Gay Museum in Berlin and other art and cultural venues as an assistant and coordi­nated several publi­cation and exhibition projects. Before o[s]tklick she was curator at Berlin Mondiale in the context of migration, asylum and, exile.