Moldova’s progress on the path to the EU membership negotiations

On 14–15 December 2023, the European Council decided to open accession negoti­a­tions with the Republic of Moldova if progress can be made in imple­menting EU reforms, partic­u­larly in the Rule of Law. Since then, the Moldovan government has been contin­u­ously imple­menting the EU reforms. How should Moldova’s progress towards EU accession negoti­a­tions be assessed? What are the next steps in the EU integration process for Moldova? How can the EU and Germany support and accompany Moldova on its European path?


Invitation to the Public Discussion

May 30, 2024, 11:00–15:00
Mercure Chisinau Center Jazz Hotel Vlaicu
Pircalab St 72, MD-2012, Chișinău

What are the next steps in the EU integration process for Moldova? How can the EU and Germany support and accompany Moldova on its European path?

We would like to discuss these questions with the repre­sen­ta­tives of the German Bundestag, the European External Action Service and the Moldovan government as well as partic­i­pants of Moldavian civil society.

The event will take place in the framework of the project Eastern Partnership Plus, funded by the German Foreign Office and organized by the Center for Liberal Modernity in cooper­ation with the Foreign Policy Associ­ation and Expert-Grup in Moldova.


To attend, please register via

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