The Russian Challenge


The Russian Challenge
A Polish-German expert paper for a new Russia policy

Russia’s war of aggression against Ukraine is in a critical phase: The Russian military is making terri­torial gains while Western support for Ukraine is stagnant. Add to this the massive uncer­tainty about the future US policy. In this moment, we need deter­mi­nation and political leadership. Precisely because Warsaw and Berlin have hitherto had signif­icant differ­ences in their policies versus Russia, both countries should work closer together in the future. That would be a strong signal to the other EU member countries.

Our joint strategy paper was written by a Polish-German group of experts and outlines a future Russia policy: A policy of strength versus Moscow, effective sanctions against Russia’s war economy and a common approach against the Kremlin’s hybrid warfare. And no more fear of regime change: While only Russians can change their country, Western policy should shape condi­tions for change.

„The Russian Challenge“ is a joint project by the Center for Liberal Modernity in Berlin and the Centre for Eastern Studies in Warsaw. You can download the PDF here or read it below!

The paper is part of the work of LibMod’s Inter­na­tional Expert Network Russia. For more infor­mation about the network, click here!

This paper is published in the framework of the project „New Russia Policy and Support for Russian Civil Society“, which is supported by the German Foreign Ministry.  All opinions are the authors’ own.

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