Stresstest for Democracy

Demokratie im Stresstest

Stresstest for Democracy: Round table series on the crisis and resilience of Western democracies

A cooper­ation of the Bertelsmann Foundation and the Center for Liberal Modernity

Liberal western democ­racies are under pressure. From within, they are threatened by social, cultural and political polar­i­sation, which populist and extremist forces are building on. The trust in democ­ratic insti­tu­tions is declining along with the ability of democ­racies to deal effec­tively with challenges such as climate change, digital­i­sation and global migration. The Covid-19 pandemic and the Ukraine war have also been a resilience test for liberal democ­racies. Furthermore, they are challenged from the outside by a new systemic compe­tition with author­i­tarian powers, many of which have also been trying to exert their influence by inter­fering into domestic affairs. In short, the democ­ratic order in estab­lished democ­racies is increas­ingly being put to the test, and it is unclear how this stresstest will turn out for Western democracies.

In our discussion series, we take a look at some key countries: What is going on in France, the USA, Poland and Hungary, in Israel and the European Union? How can the devel­op­ments in these countries be explained? What is trans­ferable to Germany, what is different here and why? And what paths can be found out of the multiple crises?

Upcoming Events:

Round Table No. 6:

Stresstest for Democracy: Europe

 6–8 pm June 6th 2023, 6–20 pm

What challenges do European democ­racies and their civil societies have in common, what do Hungary, Poland, France, Great Britain and not least Italy teach us for our own democracy? Is there a European model of democracy? What can we expect for the European Parliament elections in spring 2024? And what role can and should the European Union play in overcoming the many challenges? We will discuss these questions with Dr. Anna Lührmann, Minister of State for Europe and Climate at the Federal Foreign Office and Prof. Dr Tanja Börzel, Freie Univer­sität Berlin.


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