30. January 2025 International Conference: “Ukraine and Us. Where do we go from here?” The Center for Liberal Modernity cordially invites you to the international conference “Ukraine and Us. Where do we go from here?” in Berlin on 21 March, 2025.
Event 17. December 2024 International Rethinking Liberalism Conference — Challenges to Liberalism in Turbulent Times Liberal democracy is navigating through turbulent times as Donald Trump’s renewed victory as well as the strengthening of right-wing nationalist forces in Europe make clear. Democrats and liberals must come out of the defensive; the open society needs new impetus. On January 16, together with international guests, we will be discussing what ideas and policies are needed and promising.
Event 30. October 2024 EU-Enlargement in the Context of Geopolitics, Reform Requirements and Absorption Capacity As a result of the Russian war of aggression against Ukraine, Eastern European countries are stepping up their efforts to join the EU. At our international conference on 13 November, we will be discussing the opportunities and challenges of the current EU enlargement policy with international experts.
Dossier 24. October 2024 Israel and Palestine: Ways out of War, Terror and Occupation Given the level of violence and hostility since 7 October, a political solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict seems a long way off. At the same time, it is more urgent than ever. Together with experts from the region, a new LibMod project aims to explore the opportunities for a two-state solution and for security and cooperation in the Middle East.
23. October 2024 We must act now, otherwise it will be the end of our democratic order “What peace? Ukraine and Us” — two questions that could not be more fundamental were the focus of our international conference, the third since the Russian full-scale invasion of Ukraine in February 2022: What does the war in Ukraine mean for the West, and what goals must a future peace order fulfill?
Event 21. October 2024 EUROPEAN BOOK CLUB – Does Liberalism Have a Future? And Does It Look Like Its Past? Invitation to the 4th edition of the European Book Club on 07.11.2024: Karolina Wigura, Stefan Kolev, Ewa Atanassow and Jaroslaw Kuisz in conversation with Alan S. Kahan about his new book ‘Freedom from Fear: A History of Liberalism’.
Event 18. July 2024 International conference: “EU enlargement — a geopolitical necessity and the next steps for the EU candidate states” On 9 and 10 July, the Center for Liberal Modernity organized the international conference “EU Enlargement — a geopolitical necessity and the next steps for the EU candidate states” with its partner organizations in Tbilisi, Georgia.
Event 23. May 2024 Moldova’s progress on the path to the EU membership negotiations On 14–15 December 2023, the European Council decided to open accession negotiations with the Republic of Moldova if progress can be made in implementing EU reforms, particularly in the Rule of Law. Since then, the Moldovan government has been continuously implementing the EU reforms. How should Moldova’s progress towards EU accession negotiations be assessed? What are the next steps in the EU integration process for Moldova? How can the EU and Germany support and accompany Moldova on its European path?
Event 21. March 2024 Conference: Russia and the West – What is at Stake International Expert Network Russia Conference Programme as of 14 May 2024 “RUSSIA AND THE WEST: WHAT IS AT STAKE” The War in Ukraine and the West’s Future Policy towards Russia
Event 09. January 2024 German-Polish Round Table on Eastern Europe What does Russia’s war against Ukraine mean for German-Polish relations? International experts, academics, journalists and diplomats from Poland and Germany, Ukraine, Belarus and the USA discussed these and other questions at the fifth German-Polish Round Table in Wojnowice.
Event 27. September 2023 “Moving Towards EU Membership – Reforms in Ukraine and the EU as a Prerequisite for Deeper Integration” – Review One year after Ukraine was granted EU candidate status, we invited high-ranking representatives of the EU and Germany as well as experts from leading European think tanks to take stock of developments so far. The discussion in Berlin on 18/19 September also looked at the prospects for 2024 and tried to identify necessary reforms.
Event 25. September 2023 Conference “Ecology & Freedom” Ecology and freedom: how can we reconcile the two? What does a liberal climate policy look like and what fundamental questions will it have to answer? We will discuss these questions at our conference “Ecology & Freedom” on 29 November in Berlin. Among others with: Robert Habeck, Ursula Weidenfeld, Claus Leggewie, Michael Zürn, Ralf Fücks, Lukas Köhler, Andreas Jung and many others.
22. September 2023 Conference “Ukraine and Us” Our major international conference “Ukraine and Us” in the Representation of the State of Hesse in Berlin generated a great deal of interest. More than 30 invited experts discussed the question “What does Russian aggression mean for Europe” in 7 panels in front of an audience of more than 160 people.
Policy Paper 04. April 2023 The EU’s Rule of Law Promotion in Ukraine: External Leverage and Domestic Circumstances The EU wants to promote the rule of law in Ukraine, but what external measures are needed to achieve this and what are the Ukrainian realities? This is analyzed by Maryna Rabinovych in the LibMod policy paper.
Event 08. November 2022 Photos of the Conference “Rethinking Russia” “Rethinking Russia”: On 31 October, we opened our new project “Expert Network Russia” with a conference in Vilnius. Here is a selection of photographs from the event.
31. August 2022 Stresstest for Democracy In our discussion series, we take a look at some key countries: What is going on in France, the USA, Poland and Hungary, in Israel and the European Union? How can the developments in these countries be explained? What is transferable to Germany, what is different here and why? And what paths can be found out of the multiple crises?