International Rethinking Liberalism Conference — Challenges to Liberalism in Turbulent Times
Liberal democracy is navigating through turbulent times as Donald Trump’s renewed victory as well as the strengthening of right-wing nationalist forces in Europe make clear. Democrats and liberals must come out of the defensive; the open society needs new impetus. On January 16, together with international guests, we will be discussing what ideas and policies are needed and promising.
Invitation to the International Conference
16 January 2025, 09:30 — 20:00 h
Allianz Forum Berlin
Pariser Platz 6
10117 Berlin
The current state of liberalism is a cause for great concern. The most recent and most consequential example of the dominant illiberal swing is the stunning comeback of Donald Trump in the United States. Right-wing populist forces are in government in Italy, Slovakia, Hungary, the Netherlands and many other countries. Countries like Poland, where a national-populist government has been voted out, are the exception. To get out of the liberal defensive, there needs to be a better understanding of the causes of the crisis of liberal democracy and the rise of populism. Furthermore, fresh ideas are needed on how liberal democracy should be renewed to regain support domestically and internationally. Key questions we want to discuss:
• Do the institutions of democracy need to be reformed, and the possibilities of democratic participation expanded?
• How can the performance of liberal democracies be improved in the face of huge political, economic and ecological challenges?
• How should they deal with core issues on the populist agenda – such as the issue of migration?
• What follows from the concept of a “robust democracy” – and how do we avoid slipping into an authoritarian logic in the name of defending freedom?
• How should liberal democracies deal with the new systemic conflict with authoritarian powers, especially China and Russia?
• Which gaps and maldevelopments in liberalism itself contributed to its crisis?
• How can liberal democrats counter the “politics of emotions” of populist actors?
On January 16, you can expect a full day of inspiring discussions and lots of room for networking with liberal minds from various countries. We are looking forward to welcoming you to Berlin!
Attention! We have reached full capacity for in-person attendance. Online participation is still available. After registration you will receive an email containing the Zoom link.
Film and photo recordings will be made at the event. You agree to their subsequent use by attending the event.
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