Stresstest for Democracy

Demokratie im Stresstest

Stresstest for Democracy: Round table series on the crisis and resilience of Western democracies

A coop­er­a­tion of the Bertels­mann Foun­da­tion and the Center for Liberal Modernity

Liberal western democ­ra­cies are under pressure. From within, they are threat­ened by social, cultural and political polar­i­sa­tion, which populist and extremist forces are building on. The trust in demo­c­ratic insti­tu­tions is declining along with the ability of democ­ra­cies to deal effec­tively with chal­lenges such as climate change, digi­tal­i­sa­tion and global migration. The Covid-19 pandemic and the Ukraine war have also been a resilience test for liberal democ­ra­cies. Further­more, they are chal­lenged from the outside by a new systemic compe­ti­tion with author­i­tarian powers, many of which have also been trying to exert their influence by inter­fering into domestic affairs. In short, the demo­c­ratic order in estab­lished democ­ra­cies is increas­ingly being put to the test, and it is unclear how this stresstest will turn out for Western democracies.

In our discus­sion series, we take a look at some key countries: What is going on in France, the USA, Poland and Hungary, in Israel and the European Union? How can the devel­op­ments in these countries be explained? What is trans­fer­able to Germany, what is different here and why? And what paths can be found out of the multiple crises?

Upcoming Events:

Round Table No. 6:

Stresstest for Democracy: Europe

 6–8 pm June 6th 2023, 6–20 pm

What chal­lenges do European democ­ra­cies and their civil societies have in common, what do Hungary, Poland, France, Great Britain and not least Italy teach us for our own democracy? Is there a European model of democracy? What can we expect for the European Parlia­ment elections in spring 2024? And what role can and should the European Union play in over­coming the many chal­lenges? We will discuss these questions with Dr. Anna Lührmann, Minister of State for Europe and Climate at the Federal Foreign Office and Prof. Dr Tanja Börzel, Freie Univer­sität Berlin.


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