Book from LibMod and KAS: Soziale Marktwirtschaft ökolo­gisch erneuern

Eco-innova­tions, economic oppor­tu­nities and social partic­i­pation in times of climate change are the subjects of this book, edited by Ralf Fücks and Thomas Köhler, in which widely acclaimed authors discuss aspects of a normative economic framework to guide the greening of indus­trial society on the basis of a market economy.

The “Anthro­pocene” is upon us. Human beings are now the key factor influ­encing the earth’s biological, geological and atmos­pheric processes. Climate change and species extinction are urgent calls to action. The concept of the social market economy is suffi­ciently open to permit the balance of environ­mental, economic and social objectives.

It is necessary now to find ways to combine the ecolog­i­cally imper­ative with economic oppor­tu­nities and social partic­i­pation. Widely acclaimed authors make the case for the green renewal of the social market economy in this book, edited by Ralf Fücks (Managing Partner, Center for Liberal Modernity) and Thomas Köhler (Head of Department, Politics and Consulting, Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung).

You can request a free copy of the book Soziale Marktwirtschaft ökolo­gisch erneuern, Ralf Fücks and Thomas Köhler (eds.) by e‑mail. Please be aware that delivery can take up to four weeks.


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