Decen­tralised energy gener­ation in Ukrainian communities

Ukraine’s new law “On Amending Certain Laws of Ukraine with Regard to the Recon­struction and Green Trans­for­mation of the Energy System of Ukraine” opens up many oppor­tu­nities for the expansion of decen­tralised energy gener­ation and contributes to greater energy security. In his policy paper, Ukrainian energy law expert Oleksandr Vizir describes what this means for munic­i­pal­ities and what regulatory changes are needed to realise this potential.

Decen­tralized renewable energies and cheaper storage allow for a new category of actors to enter the energy market. In difference to those who tradi­tionally only consume energy, they also produce energy themselves. This hybrid form of consumer and producer is called a „prosumer“. A new law in Ukraine now allows house­holds, commu­nities, and other actors to take on this role. Prosumers represent a funda­men­tally new role in the energy system. This policy paper examines the legal framework as well as possi­bil­ities and obstacles for private house­holds as well as communities.

Should the support model intro­duced in the new law come into widespread use, one can expect commu­nities to see a positive effect in three areas at once:

i. Security, through strength­ening the resilience of the system in cases of power outages;

ii. economic effect, or saving on electricity for community entities;

iii. invest­ments in the commu­nities. In this case, both the savings and their direct and indirect impact on community revenues will contribute to the community well-being. This is partic­u­larly crucial for commu­nities that have suffered and continue to suffer from the Russian aggression against Ukraine.

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