Don’t Bet Against the West!

In July 2007 US President George W. Bush hosted Vladimir Putin for informal talks at his summer house in Kenneb­unkport, Maine. The family atmos­phere was completed by the presence of his father, former President George Bush. Photo: Imago Images

The US tried to integrate Russia with the liberal inter­na­tional order, but Putin destroyed the basis for cooper­ation by disman­teling democracy and seeking domination of his neighbors, writes Dan Fried.

This paper is part of our Inter­na­tional Expert Network Russia. Its publi­cation was supported by the German Foreign Ministry. The views expressed are the author’s own.

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Starting with the Admin­is­tration of George H. W, Bush until Putin’s war against Ukraine, the United States generally sought to support the integration of post-Soviet Russia (and even the USSR, in its final year under President Mikhail Gorbachev) with the liberal inter­na­tional order of which the US was principal founder after 1945. That meant devel­oping good bilateral relations with Russia and, to the degree possible, encour­aging Russian partnership in inter­na­tional affairs including against terrorism after the September 11, 2001 attacks. The US advanced this policy with two condi­tions, however. First, the US did not recognize a Russian sphere of domination over its neighbors and former satel­lites in Central and Eastern Europe; and, second, the US predi­cated its Russia policy on that country’s continued evolution in the direction of democracy and the rule of law.

Portrait von Daniel Fried

Daniel (Dan) Fried is a retired US diplomat and a distin­guished fellow at the Atlantic Council in Washington DC.

Those US condi­tions were generally acceptable to Russian President Boris Yeltsin, especially in his early years of better health. They were not acceptable to President Vladimir Putin. Indeed, Putin had his own condi­tions for better relations with the US: these included US acqui­es­cence to Russia’s attempts to dominate its neighbors, especially Ukraine and Georgia, the two countries most committed to finding a place in Europe and its insti­tu­tions; and US accep­tance of Putin’s deepening autocratic rule at home, the tactics of which included assassination.

The rise and fall of US-Russian relations from a high point of hope in the early 1990s to a return to a hostile, adver­sarial relationship between not just Russia and the US, but between Russia and almost the whole of Europe and North America is a result of the incom­pat­i­bility of these views of Russia’s place in the world.

Notwith­standing arguments that the US humil­iated Russia after 1991 (arguments that echo but without much basis the case that rough treatment of Germany in the Treaty of Versailles was partly or even largely respon­sible for the rise of Hitler), the US did not seek to isolate, punish, or otherwise treat Russia as a defeated foe. The US did not seek to impose repara­tions on Russia; it provided assis­tance. The US did not shun Russia’s new leadership; it reached out to them. And Boris Yeltsin reached back. In a speech to a joint session of Congress in June 1992, Yeltsin spoke of Russia, through its own efforts, having ended “seventy-five years of [communist} nightmare,” thanked the American people “for their invaluable moral support,” committed himself to free-market, democ­ratic reforms, and promised that Russia would never again lie in foreign affairs.[i]

Western critics often cite NATO’s decision to accept for membership Poland and other newly liberated countries in Central and Eastern Europe as an original sin that alienated Russia by “drawing a new line in Europe” (as opponents of NATO enlargement often put it). In fact, US policy on NATO reflected its deter­mi­nation to end the Stalinist division of Europe. Rejecting the push for NATO membership from Poland, the Baltics, and other countries of Central and Eastern Europe would have meant perpet­u­ating the line of the Cold War into the future, tacitly recog­nizing a Russian sphere of domination in Europe and signaling to Moscow that the US and Western Europe in fact regarded the former captive nations of Europe as in some sense property of Moscow, to be reclaimed when possible. Those of us making the case for NATO enlargement from inside the Clinton Admin­is­tration and later in the Bush Admin­is­tration were aware of this; in retro­spect, given Russia’s attack on Ukraine, its claims against that country, and official demands for NATO withdrawal from its eastern flank members, the decision to allow additional European countries to join NATO seems even more justified.

NATO enlargement was not the whole story, however. The US sought to integrate its support for NATO enlargement with its inclusive policy toward Russia. The decision to enlarge NATO was made in parallel with an effort to develop a NATO-Russia relationship, an “alliance with the Alliance” as some of us in the Clinton Admin­is­tration put it at the time of the NATO-Russia Founding Act, a document concluded in 1997 before NATO’s decision to offer membership to Poland, Czechia, Hungary. The Founding Act not only estab­lished a NATO-Russia structure to support common actions and decision making, it set limits on NATO’s deploy­ments in Europe by eschewing “additional permanent stationing of substantial combat forces.” This commitment by NATO — made in parallel with an unspec­ified Russian commitment in the Founding Act to exercise similar restraint in its deploy­ments — was intended to reassure the Kremlin that NATO enlargement would not be followed by a massive buildup akin to the stationing of US, British, and other forces in Cold War West Germany. Indeed, NATO enlargement was accom­panied by a steady withdrawal, not buildup, of US forces from Europe to the point where, on the eve of Putin’s war against Ukraine in 2014, there were no US tanks stationed perma­nently in Europe.

The Admin­is­tration of George W. Bush sought to deepen partnership with President Putin, starting with their famous meeting in Slovenia in June 2001. This meeting followed Bush’s Warsaw speech which signaled US intent to continue with NATO enlargement.[ii] That signal notwith­standing, the Bush-Putin meeting went well. After the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks on the US, Putin seemed prepared for deeper strategic partnership, with counter-terrorism and strategic arms control leading elements. The Bush Admin­is­tration responded with enthu­siasm and several good years of relations followed, with some achieve­ments in counter-terrorism and arms control.

Bush’s decision to continue NATO enlargement even to the Baltic States (a decision made at the Prague NATO Summit in November 2002 shortly before the US decision to attack Iraq) did not derail this US-Russian cooper­ation. Like the Clinton Admin­is­tration, the Bush policy toward Russia included an element of “hedging.” Even in the 1990s, the Clinton Admin­is­tration had urged Europe to avoid energy depen­dence on Russia and had championed alter­native, non-Russian energy projects for Europe such as the Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan oil pipeline. The Bush Admin­is­tration continued this policy even as it built its relations with the early Putin team.

What soured US-Russia relations were Putin’s decisions to advance his author­i­tarian control at home, starting by destroying independent television in Russia, and, especially, Putin’s reaction to what he perceived as US insti­gation of the pro-Western “Color Revolu­tions” in Georgia and Ukraine in 2003 and 2004, respec­tively. The Bush Admin­is­tration started, slowly and unevenly, to realize that Putin’s disman­tling of Russian democracy meant that, as President Bush observed at the time, Putin might not be the reform-minded leader we thought and hoped he was.[iii] Putin, in true Stalinist fashion, assumed that the US was behind the Color Revolu­tions. He was mistaken — Georgia’s Rose Revolution and Ukraine’s Orange Revolution reflected genuine home-grown political forces and surprised the US – but Putin seemed convinced that the US had broken his condition of US acqui­es­cence in Russia’s domination of its former Soviet posses­sions and, with that, the basis for cooper­ation with the US was gone.

Putin’s hostile, anti-US and anti-Western speech at the February 2007 Munich Security Conference reflected his new assessment of US policy as incon­sistent with Putin’s view of core Russian interests. This clash – Russia’s insis­tence on and US resis­tance to Russia’s domination of Georgia and Ukraine in particular – inten­sified as the US sought to gain NATO consensus on a NATO Membership Action Plan for Ukraine and Georgia at the April 2008 NATO Bucharest Summit. That effort failed – the Alliance was divided over that question – but the consensus reached included a NATO statement that Ukraine and Georgia would eventually be members of the Alliance. That in turn seemed to infuriate Putin, who in a speech at the Bucharest NATO Summit (at the NATO-Russia Council portion held the day following the Summit proper), laid the basis for a Russian claim of Ukraine’s Crimea territory.

The Bush Admin­is­tration still sought to maintain good relations with Russia and, immedi­ately after the Bucharest Summit, Bush and his team flew to Sochi for a meeting with Putin and newly-installed temporary President Dmitry Medvedev. But Putin no longer appeared inter­ested in cooper­ation with the US. Instead, he provoked a war with Georgia in August 2008, after which the Bush Admin­is­tration acknowl­edged the failure of its efforts to work with Putin’s Russia[iv].

The Obama Admin­is­tration, despite the Russo-Georgian War, sought to return to the early Bush assump­tions that some short of partnership with Putin’s Russia was possible. To this end, it launched the “reset” with Russia based on the same Bush team assump­tions: that there was room for partnership with Russia even given US condi­tions about Russia’s neighbors and human rights and democracy within Russia. Like the Bush policy, the Obama Reset yielded some initial results, partic­u­larly in strategic arms control.

But, also like the Bush policy, the Obama Reset fell afoul of Putin’s deepening author­i­tar­i­anism at home and aggression against his neighbors. Putin’s manip­u­lation of Russia’s 2011 elections provoked demon­stra­tions inside Russia and criticism from Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. Putin appeared to be infuriated by this. In Ukraine, Putin overreached, not for the last time, when in late 2013 he forced his preferred ruler, Viktor Yanukovych, to break his commitment to sign a relatively modest Ukraine-EU Associ­ation Agreement that had wide support in Ukraine. That led to demon­stra­tions in Kyiv that Yanukovych attempted to suppress violently, the “Maidan” named after the downtown Kyiv square where they took place. This set off an escalatory cycle that ended with Yanukovych fleeing the country and a pro-European government assuming power.

As with Ukraine’s Orange Revolution, Putin assumed the “Maidan” was US controlled. He responded within days by invading Crimea; when this succeeded against the disori­ented new Ukraine government, Putin escalated by launching “separatist movements” in the Donbas. The first phase of the Russo-Ukraine War was on.

As with the Bush Admin­is­tration after the Russo-Georgian War, the Obama Admin­is­tration realized after Putin’s attack on Ukraine that its outreach to Putin had failed. It shifted course, opting for sanctions against Russia as its principal instrument to resist Russia’s aggression. The Obama Admin­is­tration did not, however, provide arms to Ukraine, concerned that doing so would be futile because (as the argument went inside the Obama NSC staff) the Russians had “escalation dominance.” The sanctions, joined by the EU, combined with Ukrainian resis­tance on the ground, caused Putin to pull back from his initial expansive claims to vast parts of Ukraine. Putin started but shortly dropped claims to “Novorossiya” – vast parts of southern and Eastern Ukraine conquered by Catherine the Great in the late 18th century and even accepted the Minsk Accords framework negotiated with France, Germany, and Ukraine that acknowl­edged that Ukraine’s Donbas region, effec­tively occupied by Russia, was in fact, Ukrainian territory.

But Putin had no intention of honoring the Minsk Accords and, by late 2015 at least, it became clear that Russia was not taking the Minsk negoti­ating process seriously. Instead of escalating, the Obama Admin­is­tration allowed sanctions to plateau and did not respond strongly even to Russian inter­ference in the US 2016 Presi­dential elections until after those elections were over. The US had dropped its objective of outreach to Russia but had not fully replaced it with a policy of resisting Russian aggression.

The Trump Administration’s Russia policy was incon­sistent, even incoherent. On the one hand, capable foreign policy experts, especially the NSC’s Senior Director Fiona Hill, State Department Assistant Secretary for Europe Wess Mitchell, and Treasury Under­sec­retary Sigal Mandelker maintained the Obama Administration’s sanctions pressure on Russia. The Trump Admin­is­tration even started sending modest amounts of weapons to Ukraine (while restricting their placement). But President Trump himself, and many of his ideological supporters in and out of government, seemed to admire Putin as a like-minded strongman and looked at Ukraine as a political irritant, something that led to Trump’s first impeachment. This vitiated US pressure against Putin.

The Biden Administration’s foreign leadership was composed of people who had been on the more hawkish side of the Obama Admin­is­tration debates about Russia after Putin’s invasion of Ukraine (including Secretary of State Tony Blinken and Under­sec­retary Toria Nuland). Never­theless, the Biden Admin­is­tration sought to avoid a clash with Putin’s Russia, opting instead to seek a “stable and predictable” relationship. That was the message from the Biden-Putin Geneva meeting in June 2021. This was no reset, as with Obama in 2009, but an effort to park the US-Russia relationship at a low but sustainable level the better to focus on China policy. The US condition was modest: that Putin refrain from escalation in Ukraine.

As it turns out, Putin was having none of it. Without even a poor excuse, Putin built up his forces, made extrav­agant (and public) demands of the US and NATO, and, in February 2022, launched a full-on invasion of Ukraine. The Biden Admin­is­tration had cautioned Putin, first in private and then in public, not to invade. When he did, the Biden team chose to support Ukraine, including through provision of arms (slowly at first, perhaps assuming that Ukraine could not withstand a deter­mined Russian assault). Strate­gi­cally, the Biden Admin­is­tration effec­tively ended the US policy of reaching out to Russia that had been in place since the late-1980s. The US began to regard Russia as a full-on adversary.

The US, France and Germany shared mistaken assump­tions about the possi­bility of working with Putin’s Russia

It is easy to parody the differ­ences between US and Polish policy toward Putin’s Russia on the one hand and the French and German approach on the other. During the Cold War, the US was generally (but not always) harder edged toward the Kremlin than either France or Germany and this difference reemerged in approaches to Russia even after Putin’s 2014 attack on Ukraine. The French and Germans had more faith in the Minsk negoti­ating process to end the war in Ukraine than was justified. German energy policy rested on a misplaced conviction in the stabi­lizing effect of depen­dence on Russian gas; its investment in the Nord Stream gas pipelines instead of LNG infra­structure was a bad choice, belatedly recog­nized by the German government.

Never­theless, the US, French, and German govern­ments for years shared many hopeful and ultimately mistaken assump­tions about the possi­bility of working with Putin’s Russia; all were reluctant to accept the conclusion that Putin was a dangerous and aggressive ruler close in spirit and many tactics to 20th century dictators. Polish govern­ments (as well as Estonian, Latvian, and Lithuanian govern­ments as well as others in Central and Eastern Europe), as it turns out, were right about the danger from the Kremlin and were not, as some Western critics patron­iz­ingly put it, “Russo­phobic” or “prisoners of history.” Still, Germany, France, and the US all joined in resisting Putin’s initial aggression against Ukraine in 2014. None accepted Putin’s claim over Ukraine. The arc of US, French, and German Russia policies have run in rough parallel, moving closer to Polish assess­ments of the Kremlin.

German policy toward Russia has been upended and Germans are strug­gling with the magnitude of the policy reori­en­tation needed to deal with Putin’s Russia as it is. Germany’s struggle to organize its foreign policy around different assump­tions about Russia and a different, more forward leading German role in helping Europe resist Putin’s aggression, is painful, necessary, and familiar to Americans who have had to contend with their own policy failures in past decades.

Russia is a strategic adversary as long as Putin is in power

The US search for some “deal” with Russia to enlist it as a partner in managing the rise of China has been a persistent specu­lation that has led nowhere. With good reason. The precedent set by Henry Kissinger’s successful outreach to Mao’s China while pursuing détente with Brezhnev’s Soviet Union remain attractive to some. Many in the Trump Admin­is­tration (and many beyond it) expressed interest in making the effort.[i]

The problem arises as soon as a prospective “deal” with Moscow takes shape: it always seems to involve recog­nition of Moscow’s dominance over Ukraine and Georgia, and indif­ference to human rights and the rule of law inside Russia, condi­tions no US Admin­is­tration, not even that of Donald Trump, has been willing to accept. Some tacit under­standing over Ukraine might have been possible when Yanukovych was in charge in Kyiv. The US had accepted his election and Ukraine’s NATO aspira­tions were going nowhere. Even after­wards, in the runup to the current phase of Russia’s war against Ukraine, Germany offered to maintain its effective blockage of Ukraine’s NATO aspira­tions as a way to head off the Russian offensive. That wasn’t enough for Putin, who sought an end not just to Ukraine’s NATO aspira­tions but to its indepen­dence. A deal with Putin over Ukraine would be near impos­sible under current condi­tions, given Putin’s escalation and the atroc­ities Russian forces have committed and continue to commit.

Moreover, Putin is committed to an anti-American course as strategy. Russia and China see common strategic purpose in combining to weaken the US and the inter­na­tional system it has championed. Efforts to entice Putin to change strategic course in favor of the US and at China’s expense would be futile and making the attempt would require abandoning US strategic principles in a display of weakness, giving Putin a win he has not earned either on the Ukrainian battle­field or econom­i­cally, at least so far.

Russia is a strategic adversary and is seen as such by most govern­ments in Europe and the US, albeit with varying degrees of conviction. This will remain the case as long as Putin is in power. The current US Admin­is­tration is clear on that point.

In the US, the hard left and – more worrying — the Trumpist right have sympathy for Putin

In US politics, support for Ukraine and for resisting Russia aggression includes what is left of the Reaganite Right through the pro-inter­na­tion­alist center to much (not all) of the left. The left, histor­i­cally reluctant to support resis­tance to Kremlin aggression, now includes many with an aversion to Putinism and supportive of Ukraine, thinking similar to that among many Greens in Germany.

Opposition to this approach can be found among some on the hard left, who express an “anti-imperi­alist” approach with its origins in the 1970s that amounts to sympathy for many (and perhaps any) forces seen as reliably anti-American. These views are not strong or influ­ential. More worrying are views held by the Trumpist right that are outright pro-Putin and hostile to Ukraine. These views, championed by Fox media star Tucker Carlson, recall pro-fascist arguments of the late 1930s that prevailed in American rightist circles until the Japanese attack on the US in 1941. These views, once common, now almost forgotten, but revived by Trumpist circles, include sympathy for hard right, nation­alist strongmen, hostility to “cosmopolitan” Europe and US support for Europe, and cynical hostility to appli­cation of values in foreign policy as weakening American freedom of action. These views overlap to some degree with those held by a small but influ­ential circle of foreign policy thinkers, some serious and scholarly, who champion “realism and restraint,” which in the case of Russia seems to come down to acqui­es­cence in a Russian sphere of domination over Ukraine and other countries. The “realism and restraint” school, combined with the Trumpist right, appeals to a tradition in US foreign policy thinking often termed “isola­tionism” but in fact meaning a sometimes unilat­er­alist, value-free foreign policy based on trans­ac­tional relation­ships with other great powers.

Milder versions of “realist” thinking had influence in the Obama Admin­is­tration but generally did not prevail. This school has had even less impact on the Biden Admin­is­tration but is making consid­erable headway within on the right, e.g., the once-Reaganite Heritage Foundation think tank has shown more sympathy for Trumpist views and the Quincy Institute champions versions of “realist thinking.” (To be fair, other schools of realist foreign policy thinking have admirable records of achievement: Brent Scowcroft, National Security Advisor for President George H.W. Bush, applied many of the virtues of realist thinking, including opera­tional and rhetorical caution and restraint, in the 1989–91 period with spectacular results.)

Sanctions sceptics get little traction in the US

Support for sanctions against Russia often align with the categories of foreign policy thinking discussed above: support is generally high among those inclined to support Ukraine and oppose Putin is and weak among the Trumpist Right, “realist” right and center, and hard left. The Trump Admin­is­tration, however, was enthu­si­astic about sanctions against Iran, North Korea, and Venezuela, and even against Russia (to little effect, however, given Trump’s own sympathy for Putin that weakened their impact).

The debate about the use of sanctions has its own dynamic, however. Some econo­mists and economic policy specialists worry about what they term sanctions overuse, including creating perverse incen­tives for rival powers, e.g., China, to break from the US dollar as the accepted inter­na­tional reserve currency and from the US-dominated inter­na­tional financial system. Thus far, however, those arguments have not gained major traction either within the US government or Congress. If anything, Congress has pushed for more intense sanctions against Russia.

The US and Europe defied predic­tions that their resis­tance to Putin’s Russia would fail

US support for Ukraine’s resis­tance to Russia’s aggression has been persistent. Whether it will continue so in the face of Russian escalation, more severe economic dislo­ca­tions such as energy price spikes and/​or shortages, or a failure of European political support for a similarly strong approach is an open question, but the US and Europe have since 2014 defied persistent predic­tions that their support for Ukraine and resis­tance to Putin’s Russia would fail. I would not bet against the West.


Dan Fried is a retired US diplomat who served as assistant secretary of state for European and Eurasian affairs from 2005 to 2009. Between 2013 bis 2017 he headed the US Office of Sanctions Coordi­nation. He was a speaker at the LibMod conference “Russia and the West” in March 2022.


[i] Link to Yeltsin June 1992 speech to the US Congress: Boris Yeltsin “Address to U.S. Congress” Transcript (

[ii] Link to Warsaw speech: — Transcript: President Bush speech in Warsaw — June 15, 2001

[iii] Bush made this obser­vation to then UK Prime Minister Tony Blair in October 2003 in a meeting in London in which I participated.

[iv] Link to Secretary Rice’s GMF speech fall 2008: Secretary Rice Addresses U.S.-Russia Relations at GMF | RealClearWorld

[v] I heard this a lot personally in the early weeks of the Trump Administration.



This paper is published in the framework of the project „Russia and the West: Europe’s Post War Order and the Future of Relations with Russia“, which is supported by the German Foreign Ministry.  The views are the author’s own.

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