Online Conver­sa­tion: Rethinking Liber­alism — What went wrong with Liber­alism and what to do about it?

Wednesday October 14. 7 pm‑8.30 pm – via Zoom

Liberal democracy is at risk. From within, populist parties and movements are chal­lenging open societies by exploiting fear of glob­al­iza­tion, resent­ments against migrants and anger about social inequality. At the same time, author­i­tarian regimes are chal­lenging the liberal order and actively undermine liberal democracies.

Liber­alism as a school of thought and policy orien­ta­tion has widely lost its attrac­tive power. The times seem gone when Liberals have been a driving force for democracy, civil rights and a thriving economy. Today, Liber­alism seems on the defense, widely asso­ci­ated with market radi­calism and selfish interests of the rich and succesful.

Yet you will find liberal minds in almost every demo­c­ratic party. And wherever people are standing up against author­i­tarian regimes – like now in Belarus -, liberal ideas are inspiring their call for freedom and dignity. Liber­alism is far from dead, but clearly needs a profound renovation.


Ralf Fücks (Center for Liberal Modernity) will discuss the question “What went wrong with Liber­alism and what to do about it?” with

  • Goran Buldioski, Open Society Initia­tive for Europe (OSIFE), Open Society Foundations
  • Tanja Börzel, Free Univer­sity Berlin and SCRIPTS
  • Karen Horn, Univer­sity of Erfurt 
  • Amichai Magen, IDC Herzliya

Register here.

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