The War in Ukraine is a Test for Liberal Democracies’ Resolve

The war in Ukraine is a test for liberal democracies’ resolve and for their capacity to act. There is still time to turn the tide. Otherwise, future historians will mark this war as a turning point in the decline of liberal democracies. Read Ralf Fücks’ summary of this year’s international LibMod conference “Russia and the West”.
What impressed me most on this day full of intensive, serious discussions was how participants from Ukraine, Sweden, Poland, Britain, the Baltic states and also Russian opposition representatives held up the mirror in front of Germany. There is a significant difference between their analysis and their language and the German discourse. They openly say what you don’t hear from Olaf Scholz:
1) This is also our war. Not because we wanted it, but because Putin declared war on the West.
2) If you don’t want to win a war against an opponent who is determined to do anything, you have already lost it. Germany’s ‘middle path’ – neither Russia nor Ukraine should win the war – is wrong. Ukraine will either win or lose this war – and a Russian victory would have catastrophic consequences for us, for Europe and for the future of the international order. The West urgently needs a strategy for victory in Ukraine with everything that is necessary for this.
3) Last year, Russia invested around 120 billion dollars in the war, which is 5.2 per cent of Russia’s gross national product. Europe’s support for Ukraine in 2023 amounted to just under 50 billion dollars or 0.25 per cent of Europe’s GDP. Putin has appointed an economist to head the Defence Ministry to boost war production. If we don’t finally ramp up our arms and ammunition supplies on a massive scale, Ukraine will lose the war. And Putin will not stop with the conquest of Kharkiv and Odesa.
4) Chancellor Scholz is putting the brakes on arms deliveries to Ukraine – no Taurus missiles, no fighter jets, too little of everything else and too late – out of fear that Putin escalates the war and of a possible collapse of the Russian regime. These are the wrong fears. We should be much more afraid of a Russian victory. And we must finally draw red lines for Putin instead of constantly worrying about his red lines.
5) Don’t be afraid of regime change in Moscow. With the present regime there is neither sustainable peace in Europe nor the prospect of democratic reforms. Defeat in Ukraine is the only chance for positive change in Russia.
6) Tighten sanctions. It’s a joke that Ukraine is in danger of losing the war for lack of resources, while 300 billion Russian state assets are sitting in European banks that can be used to support Ukraine. At the same time, Western technology vital to the war is still being channeled to Russia via third countries, and more than 2,000 Western companies are still active in Russia and paying taxes to the regime. The circumvention of sanctions via third countries must be stopped at last.
7) The initiative for a special international tribunal against the Russian leadership for the crime of aggression needs to be relaunched. If international law is not to become a waste of paper, Putin and his henchmen must be held accountable for the war crimes in Ukraine.
8) Open up a perspective for a post-imperial Russia: This is not about bringing Russia to its knees or humiliating it. A Russia that is no longer a threat to its neighbours and respects international law deserves an open door for cooperation. Today, this means above all supporting the democratic opposition. This is where the hope for a different Russia lies.
To sum up: The war in Ukraine is a test of the resolve and ability to act of liberal democracies. Who has more staying power? If the Moscow-Tehran-Beijing axis proves to be stronger, dark times will dawn, and not just for Ukraine. There is still time to turn the tide. Otherwise, future historians will mark the Ukraine war as a turning point in the decline of liberal democracies.
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