Join our discussion “Russia and the West”

How should we deal with a repressive and confronta­tional Russia? Join our annual discussion “Russia and the West” on 24 March, which will be held jointly with the Munich Security Conference this year.

With the war against Ukraine, Vladimir Putin has brutally attacked the European order. The political and human­i­tarian catastrophe currently unfolding in Ukraine, which is fighting a desperate struggle against a far superior adversary, marks a turning point. This does not come as a surprise. For years, the Russian leadership has pursued a revan­chist and militaristic course.

Russia’s systematic rearmament, the military inter­vention in Ukraine that has been ongoing since 2014, the bombing campaign in Syria, the deployment of Russian mercenary troops in other countries – all these were clear signs of an aggressive forward strategy by the Kremlin. Its goal is to re-establish Russia as a great power and adversary of Western democ­racies. Putin has demon­strated that he is willing to gamble big and ignore all the relevant norms to achieve these goals.

The recent wave of repression against Russian civil society, independent media, and democ­ratic opposition is the flip side of the same coin. In recent years, the Putin system has increas­ingly evolved into a dicta­torship that barely hides behind a pseudo-democ­ratic facade.

How should the West deal with a Russia that is increas­ingly repressive inter­nally and aggressive exter­nally? Are the counter­mea­sures taken so far suffi­cient to contain the Kremlin’s neo-imperial ambitions? Are our societies ready to bear the cost of joint European security? How can we isolate Russia polit­i­cally and econom­i­cally and still cooperate with Russian civil society?


  • Michael Roth, Chairman of the Bundestag’s Foreign Affairs Committee, SPD
  • Roderich Kiesewetter, Spokesman for Crisis Prevention, CDU/​CSU Parlia­mentary Group in the Bundestag
  • Marie-Agnes Strack-Zimmermann, Chair of the Bundestag Defense Committee, FDP
  • Agnieszka Brugger, Deputy Chair­woman of the Green Party parlia­mentary group in the Bundestag

Moder­ation: Ralf Fücks, Center for Liberal Modernity


Change of Perspective

Intro­ductory remarks:

  • Pavlo Klimkin, former Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine (online)

Talk with:

  • Daniel Fried, Atlantic Council
  • Svitlana Zalishchuk, Foreign Policy Advisor to a Deputy Prime-Minister of Ukraine, former Member of Parliament

Moder­ation: Ambas­sador Boris Ruge, Vice-Chairman of the Munich Security Conference


To register for online partic­i­pation, please klick on the button below:

Simul­ta­neous inter­pre­tation will be provided in English and German throughout the evening. The German program can be found on

This event is held in cooper­ation with the Munich Security Conference. It concludes the Center for Liberal Modernity’s annual inter­na­tional conference “Russia and the West”


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