Action Plan for Ukraine’s Energy System: Online discus­sion on Thursday, July 18th 2024!

Foto: Imago

As a result of Russia’s constant attacks on its energy sector, Ukraine suffers an ongoing severe energy shortage. Power outages are a daily occur­rence. This makes life difficult for the popu­la­tion, endangers critical infra­struc­ture with poten­tially cata­strophic conse­quences and poses major chal­lenges to the economy – and therefore to the defense capabilities.

In the new LibMod policy paper “Action Plan for Ukraine’s Energy System”, Ukrainian energy system expert Oleksandr Vizir outlines concrete proposals for improving the current situation for the winter of 2024/​25 and the years to come. His analysis focuses on short-term measures addressing the most pressing problems within the limits of Ukraine’s available resources.

The proposed measures include: 

  • orga­ni­za­tional measures (increase in elec­tricity import capacity, strength­ening corporate gover­nance and internal control, promoting distrib­uted gener­a­tion also among foreign business owners in Ukraine, a reform of energy subsidies as well as many others);
  • measures to cover debts (repayment of Energoatom’s debt, the debt to RES producers and to market partic­i­pants on the balancing market);
  • measures for the rapid devel­op­ment of new elec­tricity and heating capac­i­ties (estab­lishing of a single coor­di­na­tion center for the deploy­ment of a new gener­a­tion, simpli­fying the connec­tion and commis­sioning of new gener­ating facil­i­ties, instal­la­tion of energy storage facil­i­ties in the subway in Kyjiw, Kharkiv, and Dnipro and many others).

To partic­i­pate in the policy paper presen­ta­tion and the online discus­sion, please register at


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