Christoph Becker

Member of the Executive Board

Foto: Stefan Lengsfeld


T +49 30 — 13 89 36 32



Christoph Becker, Putins Krieg mit Ansage, H und G, 18.3.2022

Ralf Fücks, Christoph Becker (Hg.), Das alte Denken der Neuen Rechten, Die langen Linien der antilib­eralen Revolte, 2020

Christoph Becker, Auseinan­der­setzung mit dem Weltbild und politischen Visionen von Björn Höcke, Eine Buchrezension, 2019

Ralf Fücks, Christoph Becker, Faktencheck: Kreist die NATO Russland ein? 2019

 Christoph Becker is a member of the Executive Board. Previ­ously, he worked as a research assistant and office manager in the Bundestag, where he mainly dealt with foreign policy issues and relations with Belarus and the Western Balkans region. He studied religious studies and art history at the Free University of Berlin and graduated with a thesis on the Nazi chief ideol­ogist Alfred Rosenberg. 

Articles by Christoph Becker