Conference “Ukraine and Us”


Ukraine and Us
What Does the Russian Aggression Mean for Europe?

Our major inter­na­tional conference “Ukraine and Us” in the Repre­sen­tation of the State of Hesse in Berlin generated a great deal of interest. More than 30 invited experts discussed the question “What does Russian aggression mean for Europe” in 7 panels in front of an audience of more than 160 people.

What does the war mean for Europe and what conclu­sions do we have to draw with regard to the future European security order? We discussed these questions with inter­na­tional experts from science and politics at our Ukraine conference on 11 October. With inputs from Dmytro Kuleba, Timothy Garton Ash, Andrius Kubilius and Oleksii Makeiev, among others.

The aim of the conference was to deepen the under­standing of the processes that made this war possible in the first place, to discuss the impli­ca­tions of the war for Ukraine and Europe and to draw conclu­sions for the future European security order.

A detailed report will be available here shortly.



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