German-Polish Round Table on Eastern Europe

Fotos: Slawek Przerwa

What does Russia’s war against Ukraine mean for German-Polish relations? Inter­na­tional experts, academics, journalists and diplomats from Poland and Germany, Ukraine, Belarus and the USA discussed these and other questions at the fifth German-Polish Round Table in Wojnowice.

From 30 November to 1 December 2023, the German-Polish Round Table on Eastern Europe took place for the fifth time at Wojnowice Castle near Wrocław. This year’s central topic was the future of the eastern policy of both countries in view of Russia’s war against Ukraine and its aggressive policy in the region — but also the shaping of German-Polish relations against the backdrop of the change of government in Warsaw.

The College of Eastern Europe (KEW) organised the round table together with the Zentrum Liberale Moderne and the NGO Austausch e. V., with the support of the Heinrich Böll Foundation Warsaw, the Foundation for German-Polish Cooper­ation, and the City of Wrocław.

This year’s round table was also of great impor­tance in view of the change of government in Poland, as it offered an oppor­tunity for a new direction in German-Polish relations, which were in a serious crisis after 2015.

How can Poland and Germany support Ukraine?

On the first day of the conference, Laurynas Vaičiūnas (KEW), Marieluise Beck (Centre for Liberal Modernity), Maciej Matysiak (Former Deputy Chief of Military Counter­in­tel­li­gence Service in Poland), Agnieszka Bryc (University of Nicolaus Coper­nicus) and Andreas Metz (Committee on Eastern European Economic Relations) discussed how inter­na­tional support and assis­tance to Ukraine must be struc­tured so that it can win the war — and what joint role Poland and Germany can play in this.

The panel­lists empha­sised that the commitment should not be limited to the expansion of — still inade­quate — military aid but must above all include concrete and reliable political, economic and human­i­tarian support even after the end of the war.

The impor­tance of German-Polish relations for Europe

Arndt Freytag von Loring­hoven (Former Ambas­sador of the Federal Republic of Germany to Poland), Marek Całka (Former Ambas­sador of Poland to Azerbaijan), Irene Hahn-Fuhr (Zentrum Liberale Moderne) and Kai-Olaf Lang (German Institute for Inter­na­tional and Security Affairs) discussed the present and future of German-Polish relations on the second panel.

Given the potential and ambitions of both countries, they are of crucial impor­tance for Europe — especially for the Eastern European countries. A signif­icant improvement in relations is therefore in the interests of Poland and Germany, as well as the entire region.

The European security archi­tecture of the future

How can we prevent Russia from continuing its aggressive policy towards its neigh­bours and create a security archi­tecture in Europe that enables the recon­struction of Ukraine?

The second day of the conference began with a panel discussion on the European security archi­tecture of the post-war period and sustainable peace. With Agnieszka Legucka (Polish Institute of Inter­na­tional Affairs), Stephan Bischoff (Policy Advisor to Robin Wagener), Alina Koushyk (United Transi­tional Cabinet of Sviatlana Tsikhanouskaya), Barbara von Ow-Freytag (The Prague Civil Society Centre) and Agata Gontarczyk (Heinrich Böll Foundation Warsaw). Another topic was the future of Belarus, which is increas­ingly subor­dinate to Moscow.

Integration of Ukraine into the EU and NATO

The conference concluded with a debate with Adam Balcer (KEW), Adam Kobieracki (Former NATO Assistant Secretary General for Opera­tions), Susan Stewart (German Institute for Inter­na­tional and Security Affairs), Olha Nykorak (Human Security Programme of the Heinrich Böll Foundation Kyiv) and Iryna Solonenko (Centre for Liberal Modernity) on the integration of Ukraine into NATO and the EU.

They empha­sised the impor­tance sustainable military, financial, human­i­tarian,  and political support from Western partners for Kyiv’s integration in both blocs. The major challenges for the integration process as a result of the war, the growing popularity of Western political forces who are sceptical about Ukraine’s membership in the EU and NATO, as well as the deteri­o­rating mood in Ukrainian society were also discussed. Against this background that EU can best support Ukraine by making sure that Ukraine’s EU accession process enables Ukraine’s integration into the Single Market before the full membership and is accom­panied with strong condi­tion­ality to incen­tivise reforms. Experts also noted that it is important to produce narra­tives, whereby Ukraine is seen as an asset for the EU and NATO.

The following podcasts were produced on November 30 and December 1, 2023, by the KEW at Wojnowice Castle. The editors of “Ukraine verstehen” would like to thank KEW for the permission to republish them.


Andreas Metz, Director for Public Affairs at the German Eastern Business Association


Agnieszka Bryc, Nicolaus Coper­nicus University in Toruń


Iryna Solonenko, Senior Fellow at Zentrum Liberale Moderne


Barbara von Ow-Freytag, Journalist & Political Scientist


Olha Nykorak, Human Security Coordi­nator at Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung


Alina Koushyk, Repre­sen­tative for National Revival in the United Transi­tional Cabinet of Belarus





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