Freedom in Modern Times

Quelle: Flickr/​UK Parliament

Karen Horn reminds us of forgotten, pioneering thinkers on liberty and highlights the necessary contra­diction within which a modern liber­alism exists: the tension between limiting state influence and recog­nizing that influence as a prereq­uisite for the liberty of all people. Compe­tition among political parties for the goodwill of voters and the numerous interest groups that champion their causes in a pluralist democracy lead to the perpetual expansion of the sphere of government. This threatens the space for individual autonomy and self-organi­zation under market economy condi­tions. Yet a liberal society needs public insti­tu­tions to govern its common affairs. Subsidiarity and democ­ratic partic­i­pation are two comple­mentary principles for coping with this contra­diction in a productive manner.

Since we live in modern times,
I want a modern liberty
suited to modern times...

– Benjamin Constant (1819)

The majority of those living in Germany value liberty and feel themselves to be free. As reassuring as this survey finding may seem, it is equally difficult to draw any concrete conclu­sions from it: people have very different ideas about what comprises liberty. For many, liberty has more to do with their actual material possi­bil­ities than with their civil rights, which they believe to be secure; for others, liberty is more the result of inner, mental exertions than of external condi­tions subject to political influence. Views of this kind might not satisfy the conceptual standards of political philosophy, which distin­guishes between “positive” liberty “to do” and “negative” liberty, in the sense of an individual right protecting against undue inter­ference the State (Abwehrrechte) and sees the inner life as outside its remit. Still, this persistent disso­nance does make it plain that as important as the focus on pushing back the ever-expanding State is, in the long-practiced combi­nation of exclu­sivity and lack of differ­en­ti­ation, it is just as inade­quate as the excessive concen­tration of the concept of liberty on the economic.

In political life, the imper­ative of liberty consists essen­tially in preventing collective action from resulting in dangerous encroach­ments to the detriment of individual initiative and sponta­neous social coordi­nation. One place that this imper­ative expresses itself, though not the only one, is in tax rates which allow citizens financial scope to take respon­si­bility for shaping of their own lives and which can be recon­ciled with the funda­mental protection of private ownership. The imper­ative of liberty first addresses what the State should not do. In addition, it also explicitly addresses what the State should do, how it should do it and which proce­dures are to be used in this connection.

It cannot be about “abolishing” the State, as a few anarchists might still wish. Collective action on the part of citizens within the histor­i­cally developed, arduously won consti­tu­tional and democ­ratic insti­tu­tions that we call the “State” is essential given the complexity of the social reality at the stage of civiliza­tional devel­opment in which we find ourselves in the 21st century. Modernity – with its Enlight­enment heritage; the appeal to reason; the primacy of the individual over a collective, one that is no longer envisaged as organic; the openness towards progress; the diverse and differ­en­tiated society and the global economy with its division of labour – does not exist indepen­dently of State insti­tu­tions. The liberty that is suited to this modernity is, for its part, complex. In addition to the containment of collective violence and the protection of the individual from the arbitrary exercise of state authority, modern liberty encom­passes political liberty, the right of citizens to partic­ipate in the collective decision-making process, a now univer­salised right whose basic features have come down from Antiquity.

In a famous address given in Paris in 1819, the thinker Benjamin Constant, born in Lausanne 250 years ago, who, as a politician, advocated a liberal repre­sen­tative system in post-Napoleonic France, warned that these two aspects must be combined in such a way that they enhance one another, if collective action in the modern society is not to become total­i­tarian. In his analysis, the satis­faction imparted by political liberty can be no longer be a compen­sation for enduring arbitrary power under these condi­tions. In a small group of persons, one might be willing to put up with being out-voted and having to bear the unwanted burdens as a result; in the anonymity of modern society, one is left with only the bitter taste of heteronomy and power­lessness. “Lost in the multitude, the individual can almost never perceive the influence he exercises. Never does his will impress itself upon the whole; nothing confirms in his eyes his own cooper­ation.” This feeling is the melody under­lying all disen­chantment with politics, most recently expressed in the droves of voters who turned to the extremes in order to prove the opposite.

One way forward lies in limiting the rights of the collective to act on the individual. The other, no less important way forward lies in strength­ening political partic­i­pation. Clearly, it is not enough to call on citizens “to contribute by their deter­mi­na­tions and by their votes to the exercise of power”, as Constant recog­nised. Rather, it requires, wherever possible, insti­tu­tional correc­tions in the spirit of the subsidiarity principle aimed at bringing the collective decisions necessary in the complex great societies of modernity closer to the citizens once more, and thereby to “conse­crate their influence over public affairs”.

A prereq­uisite for this, however, is that we do not mistrust the political liberty of the individual altogether, as do those critics of democracy who would prefer to make do without a State entirely and without univer­sally binding collective decision-making. Rather, we must under­stand political liberty as a key liberal demand in the here and now and give new impetus to the exercise of this liberty. In respect thereof, it is appro­priate for us to value – despite all the necessary criticism – the object towards which this claim to partic­i­pation is directed: the modern, partic­i­pative, contained State, bound by law and statute. We should think of the State, in essence, as a communal under­taking of all citizens to their mutual benefit. This is not contra­dicted by the fact that, as experience has shown, state activ­ities, driven by the zeal of citizens equipped with political liberty, will keep growing and overrunning the private sphere unless we occasionally prune back the intrusion of the collective. Because this pruning, too, is a task that demands political liberty. Yes, the State, in its self-reinforcing tendencies, does regularly endanger liberty, but the State should also be the systematic place and, ideally, servant of liberty. This tension and complexity must be borne and moderated: herein lies the continuing challenge of modern liberty.



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