International Conference: “What Kind of Peace? Ukraine and Us”

The Center for Liberal Modernity cordially invites you to the international conference “What Kind of Peace? Ukraine and Us” in Berlin on October 16, 2024.
October 16, 12.30–20.30
Atrium der Reinhardstraßenhöfe
Reinhardtstraße 14, 10117 Berlin
Russia and its international allies are preparing for a long-term confrontation. In the West, however, there is often a lack of urgency and understanding of what is at stake. There are divergent answers to strategic questions such as the desired outcome of the war, Ukraine’s NATO membership and future Russia policy.
The conference will discuss three main topics: (1) the significance of this war for the future of Europe and the strategic goals of the West (2) current military developments and military support for Ukraine and (3) Ukraine’s EU- and NATO-integration. Another topic will be energy cooperation with Ukraine.
The conference languages are English and German.
You can find the preliminary programme here:
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