Inter­na­tional Confer­ence: “What Kind of Peace? Ukraine and Us”

Foto: Imago

The Center for Liberal Modernity cordially invites you to the inter­na­tional confer­ence “What Kind of Peace? Ukraine and Us” in Berlin on October 16, 2024.

October 16, 12.30–20.30 
Atrium der Reinhardstraßenhöfe
Rein­hardt­straße 14, 10117 Berlin 

Russia and its inter­na­tional allies are preparing for a long-term confronta­tion. In the West, however, there is often a lack of urgency and under­standing of what is at stake. There are divergent answers to strategic questions such as the desired outcome of the war, Ukraine’s NATO member­ship and future Russia policy.

The confer­ence will discuss three main topics: (1) the signif­i­cance of this war for the future of Europe and the strategic goals of the West (2) current military devel­op­ments and military support for Ukraine and (3) Ukraine’s EU- and NATO-inte­gra­tion. Another topic will be energy coop­er­a­tion with Ukraine.

The confer­ence languages are English and German.

You can find the prelim­i­nary programme here:


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