The Long History of Russian Imperialism

Vladimir Putin’s brutal attack on Ukraine has changed Germany’s perspective of Russia by highlighting the country’s imperi­alism and Ukraine’s central role as the empire’s crown jewel.

Talking about the history of Russian imperi­alism marks a change of perspective in the German debate. Until the open war of conquest against Ukraine, the term “colonialism” was almost exclu­sively applied to the Western powers that had subju­gated large parts of the globe since the 16th century.

Portrait von Ralf Fücks

Ralf Fücks is managing director of the Center for Liberal Modernity.

The term “imperi­alism” was also used almost exclu­sively to charac­terize the West. In the left, “imperi­alism” was largely synonymous with “US imperi­alism”, while the Soviet Union (as well as China) was perceived as an “anti-imperi­alist power”. Strangely enough, the fact that the Soviet government crushed all aspira­tions for freedom within its own sphere of influence was not perceived as a manifes­tation of imperial power.

The invasion of Ukraine has changed the view of Russia. Almost overnight, the long tradition of Russian imperi­alism became visible – and with it the key role of Ukraine as the crown jewel of the Russian empire. Even German Chancellor Olaf Scholz now sometimes speaks about Russian “neo-imperi­alism.”

Putin’s obsession with Ukraine is not a personal whim. Ukraine has been the object of Russian desire for centuries – as a mytho­logical cradle of Russian statehood, as a bread­basket of Europe, as a gateway to Central Europe and later also as an indus­trial center for the Soviet Union. Under Stalin, too, dominion over Ukraine was a central imper­ative for securing Soviet power. The Holodomor was a weapon to break the backbone of the Ukrainian nation.

Putin’s treatise “On the Historical Unity of Russians and Ukrainians” from July 2021 openly denies Ukraine’s existence as an independent nation. The text is an undis­guised threat that the Kremlin will not tolerate Ukraine leaving the Russian orbit and becoming part of the Western world. There were enough voices that under­stood this as ideological decla­ration of war — unfor­tu­nately, almost nobody in Berlin and other Western capitals wanted to hear them.

Russia’s Colonial Expansion

Russia’s colonial expansion spanned eight centuries. It was no less belligerent and cruel than that of the Western colonial powers. Never­theless, there are signif­icant charac­ter­istics. The Russian empire was conti­nental, its enlargement was an expansion of a terri­torial continuum. It went hand in hand with settler colonialism, installed Russian elites in the conquered terri­tories and forced local elites to choose between assim­i­lation or annihilation.

Judging from its terri­torial expansion and duration, the Russian Empire was the most successful of all empires of the modern age. At its peak, it extended over one sixth of the earth’s land mass. More than 130 languages were spoken within the borders of the Tsarist Empire; it included Chris­tians of various denom­i­na­tions, Muslims, Buddhists, Jews (at the end of the 19th century, around two thirds of all Jews lived in the Russian Empire) and followers of animistic natural religions.

This sounds like a multi­cul­tural idyll, but it conceals a policy of Russi­fi­cation aimed at eradi­cating the cultural identity of national minorities, whose language and culture were marginalized.

From the Soviet Union to Putin’s neo-imperialism

When Russia became the Soviet Union, the Bolshevik leadership drew on imperial tradi­tions. It did every­thing in its power to reconquer the republics that had fallen away at the end of the First World War. This phase of imperial restoration only ended with the failed march on Warsaw.

The next stage was the Hitler-Stalin Pact of 1939, which led to the occupation of eastern Poland, western Belarus, western Ukraine and Bessarabia as well as the annex­ation of the three Baltic states in 1940. The attempt to force Finland back “home to the Reich” also failed in the Winter War of 1939/​40.

After the end of the Second World War, a new form of imperial expansion began: the estab­lishment of puppet republics in Central and Eastern Europe, including Eastern Germany. In form they were friendly states, but in fact they were controlled by Moscow. Only the Soviet Union was sovereign; all others were subject to the doctrine of “limited sovereignty”.

The subju­gated nations’ striving for self-deter­mi­nation was the strongest driving force behind the collapse of the empire and the disso­lution of the USSR between 1989 and 1991.

Putin described the fall of the Soviet Union early on as the “greatest geopo­litical catastrophe of the 20th century”. In his eyes, the Russian nation is scattered across the entire post-Soviet space and must be reunited. The core of the empire is formed by the holy trinity of Russia, Ukraine and Belarus.

The military inter­vention in Georgia in 2008 was already a demon­stration of the new claim to power. It was preceded by two brutal campaigns in Chechnya, in which tens of thousands of civilians lost their lives and the capital Grozny was almost completely devas­tated — a drastic message that Moscow will not tolerate any further national secessions.

The trans­for­mation of the Soviet empire came to a halt halfway through the 1990s. When Putin came to power, a threefold restoration developed: from stalled democ­ra­ti­zation to author­i­tar­i­anism, from market-economy reforms back to a state-run economy and from a post-imperial Russia oriented towards the West to a neo-imperial policy.

Russia’s imperial mindset must fail in Ukraine

It is hardly an exagger­ation to say that Russia’s future will be decided in Ukraine. The departure from empire will not be voluntary, even less so than in the European democ­racies. Conversely, there is no stronger lever for Russia’s internal trans­for­mation than a democ­ratic, econom­i­cally prosperous Ukraine that is integrated into the Western community.

We should therefore do every­thing to ensure that Russian imperi­alism fails in Ukraine. As long as Russia clings to imperial nostalgia, there will be neither a turning away from author­i­tar­i­anism nor any sustainable peace in Europe.

This text is based on a lecture held at the University of Kassel on 25 May 2022. The German original is published here.



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