Panel 2: Ukraine, Moldova and Georgia — the next steps on the road to EU accession

Foto: Gia Gagoshidze

The second panel was made up of four members of the Bundestag, Thomas Hacker, Anton Hofreiter, Tilmann Kuban, and Christian Petry, and the Ukrainian Ambas­sador Oleksii Makeiev. They discussed the EU accession of Ukraine, Georgia and Moldova. In December 2023, the EU Member States will decide what steps these three countries must take in order to join the EU.

“Ukraine has made signif­i­cant progress in imple­menting EU reforms despite the war” (Oleksii Makeiev)

Despite the war, Ukraine has made signif­i­cant progress in imple­menting EU reforms noted Ambas­sador Makeiev. There is a great expec­ta­tion among the popu­la­tion that the EU accession nego­ti­a­tions will take place this year. This would fulfil the European dream of the Ukrainian people.

The Chair of the EU committee of the Bundestag, Anton Hofreiter (Bündnis 90/​Die Grünen) said that the demo­c­ratic centre of the German parlia­ment was united with regard to EU enlarge­ment. By admitting the Western Balkan countries, Ukraine, Moldova and Georgia, the European single market would become larger. In view of the growing number of dicta­tor­ships, we have an intrinsic interest in Europe becoming bigger and stronger.

“Reform and enlarge­ment of the EU should take place in parallel”  (Tilmann Kuban)

The EU itself should do its homework just as much as the accession countries, stressed CDU politi­cian Tilmann Kuban. Reform and enlarge­ment should take place in parallel. Thomas Hacker, spokesman for the FDP parlia­men­tary group, expressed confi­dence in the speedy opening of accession nego­ti­a­tions with Ukraine and Moldova, but was less opti­mistic about Georgia.

Christian Petry, European policy spokesperson of the SPD parlia­men­tary group, stressed that the EU enlarge­ment strategy should be less reserved than it had been in the past. The EU had produced too much disap­point­ment in these countries; there had to be tangible perspec­tives. An EU of different speeds was feasible, Petry said. .

Finally, Hofreiter stressed the necessity of military support for Ukraine, because full EU member­ship also depended on the end of the war, he said, and Ukraine had to win.


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