Status and Perspec­tives of the Eastern Partnership

Jugendliche feiern den Europatag in Pokrovsk (© Alex Sun/​shutterstock)

Online-Panel Discus­sion on October 6, 2020, with Gunther Krichbaum, Johannes Schraps, Renata Alt, Manuel Sarrazin und others.

The Eastern Part­ner­ship Summit in March 2021 will herald a new decade of the Eastern Part­ner­ship. The expec­ta­tions of the three asso­ci­ated countries, Ukraine, Georgia and Moldova, are corre­spond­ingly high. We would like to discuss with you the current status and perspec­tives for the Eastern Partnership.

Repre­sen­ta­tives of civil society from the three asso­ci­ated countries have discussed their views on the neces­si­ties for the Eastern Part­ner­ship together with the Center for Liberal Modernity and framed recom­men­da­tions for action for the coming years in three strategy papers. During the confer­ence, the strategy papers will be presented and the perspec­tives of civil society in the asso­ci­ated countries will be reflected upon.

In the second part of the confer­ence we wish to discuss the theses presented with members of the German Bundestag.


The discus­sion will be live-streamed via Zoom with simul­ta­neous trans­la­tion (English-German). Please register under the following link


18:30 – 18:40 Opening Speech

Hans-Jürgen Heimsoeth, Special Ambas­sador for the Eastern Part­ner­ship, Federal Foreign Office

18:40 – 19:00 Presen­ta­tion of the LibMod Strategy Papers by the authors with recom­men­da­tions for the renewal of the Eastern Partnership

Dr. Gustav Gressel, Senior Policy Fellow, European Council on Foreign Relations, Berlin office
Dr. Julia Langbein, Head of the Research Unit, Political Economy and Inte­gra­tion, Center for Eastern Europe and Inter­na­tional Studies (ZOiS)
Dr. Khatia Kikalishvili, Program Director Eastern Part­ner­ship, Center for Liberal Modernity

19:00 – 19:40 Input from the three asso­ci­ated countries: Ukraine, Georgia and Moldova

Oleksandr Sushko, Executive Director, Inter­na­tional Renais­sance Foun­da­tion, Ukraine
Keti Khut­sishvili, Executive Director, Open Society Foun­da­tion, Georgia
Petru Culeac, Executive Director, Soros Foun­da­tion, Moldau
Moder­a­tion: Rebecca Harms, former Member of the European Parlia­ment (2004–2019)

19:40 – 20:30 Perspec­tives from the Bundestag on the Future of the Eastern Partnership

Gunther Krichbaum MP, Chairman of the Committee on European Union Affairs (CDU)
Johannes Schraps MP, Member of the Committee on European Union Affairs (SPD)
Renata Alt MP, Member of the Committee on Foreign Affairs (FDP)
Manuel Sarrazin MP, Member of the Committee on European Union Affairs (Alliance 90/​The Greens)
Moder­a­tion: Marieluise Beck, Center for Liberal Modernity (LibMod)


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