Input Paper “European Green Deal for Ukraine: current status and future”

Foto: Yannick-Morelli/

As part of our project “Eastern Part­ner­ship Plus”, we are pub­lish­ing a second series of input papers on the topic of Perspec­tives and Prior­ities European Green Deal (EGD) in Ukraine, Georgia and Moldova. The authors from the region (Nataliya Andru­sevych, Manana Kochladze, Iuliana Cantaragiu) analyse the role of the Euro­pean Union in sup­port­ing the imple­men­tation of the EGD and for­mu­late their polit­i­cal rec­om­men­da­tions for deci­sion-makers in Berlin and Brussel – für englische Seite.

By Nataliya Andru­sevych, Chair of the Governing Board, Resource and Analysis Center “Society and Environment”

Why is the European Green Deal important for Ukraine?

The European Green Deal (adopted by the EU in 2019) has a major impact on attitudes towards sustain­ability and green trans­for­mation in Ukraine. Climate and environ­mental issues are increas­ingly playing a role in the discourse of officials and in the business sector, and are appearing on policy agendas at the highest level. 

For Ukraine, there are several important points associated with joining the EGD processes:

  • Ukraine becomes a part of the pan-European process of green transformation;
  • Ukraine obtains new oppor­tu­nities for green funding, environ­mental moderni­sation, and cooper­ation on concrete green issues with the EU and its member-states;
  • Ukraine receives a new impetus to implement its existing inter­na­tional commit­ments (EU-Ukraine Associ­ation Agreement, Paris Agreement, Convention on Biological Diversity, Energy Community Treaty).

Ukraine has estab­lished an extensive legal and policy basis for sustainable devel­opment. National Sustainable Devel­opment Goals for 2030 have been estab­lished by presi­dential decree. These nationally adapted SDGs are accom­panied by a framework for monitoring progress, with annual reports. The State Environ­mental Policy Strategy and the more recent National Economy Strategy both identify sustainable devel­opment as a key goal and principle. There are refer­ences to sustainable devel­opment in numerous other national sectoral policy documents.

In practice, these and other strategies have had little effect on devel­opment trends. This is due to the overall lack of capacity for strategic and policy planning and imple­men­tation in Ukraine. In addition, sustainable devel­opment is usually perceived as simply “stable” devel­opment, i.e. continuous growth. Tradi­tionally, green issues have not been a priority on the political agenda in Ukraine, and the environ­mental component of sustainable devel­opment has received less attention than any other components.

What are the prior­ities for and forms of cooperation?

Ukraine has expressed its support for the EGD as well as an ambition to align its policies with the EGD goals. Ukraine initiated the bilateral high-level dialog on EGD and promotes cooper­ation on concrete sectoral issues (such as hydrogen, CBAM, green alliances). Ukraine outlined its vision for future cooper­ation on the EGD in a position paper presented to the European Commission in the summer of 2020. Several policies and strategies now include refer­ences to the EGD.

The recently adopted “National Economy Strategy 2030” intro­duced the target of transi­tioning to a climate-neutral economy by 2060. The key targets envisaged by the EU policy documents imple­menting EGD in most sectors have been fully or at least partially incor­po­rated into Ukraine’s strategic documents (government programmes, action plans, strategies, etc.). However, Ukraine lags behind in many areas: while the EU is improving existing instru­ments, Ukraine plans to introduce them (for example, emissions trading system, chemicals regulation or waste management).

Several areas are in the focus of policy debate in the context of the EGD, while some other areas are not on the agenda. The top priority areas are energy, climate change, indus­trial policy in the context of CBAM and energy efficiency. The areas of shared interest within the EGD, as defined at the meeting of the EU-Ukraine Associ­ation Council, include energy efficiency, hydrogen, coal regions in transition, industry alliances and climate gover­nance archi­tecture. The zero pollution and biodi­versity compo­nents of the EGD have not yet been the subject of much debate.

Increasing the energy produc­tivity of its economy lies very much in Ukraine’s interest and the country is facing a need to modernise its production base in all sectors. Thus, there are strong drivers for environ­mental moderni­sation, including energy efficiency. The business sector is inter­ested in obtaining state support to help modernise production facil­ities and is not prepared to cover moderni­sation costs through private investment alone.

Ukraine has made signif­icant progress in reforming its energy sector since 2014. There is a need for further incen­tives for reform in other areas: agriculture, transport, environment, climate change, chemicals, industry.

Most of the reforms have been driven by the EU-Ukraine Associ­ation Agreement with the help of inter­na­tional technical assis­tance. For example, Ukraine has made progress in liber­al­ising its energy markets. The share in electricity produced from renew­ables increased from 6.2% in 2016 to 12.4% in 2020. The EGD may promote these and other reforms and the decar­bon­i­sation of the national economy, in particular by greening foreign investment by inter­na­tional financial institutions.

Ukraine has made insti­tu­tional arrange­ments specific to the EGD in reaction to the oppor­tu­nities and threats emerging for Ukraine. In 2020, the Government of Ukraine set up a coordi­nation body specif­i­cally to address climate change within the EGD initiative. In 2021, a special working group was estab­lished to deal with CBAM and ensure dialogue with the European Commission regarding the draft regulation.

Further liber­al­i­sation of energy markets, as well as signif­icant progress in other sectoral reforms, must be coupled with mainstreaming decar­bon­i­sation throughout all sectors. All reforms in the EGD-related sectors will require systematic revision of the relevant national legis­lation, capacity building and investment in infra­structure in order to fully implement EU acquis.

In principle, macro-economic aid and other assis­tance are condi­tioned on carrying through key reforms. Imple­men­tation the EU-Ukraine Associ­ation Agreement is subject to continuous monitoring and the results are publicly available. Macro-economic and technical assis­tance are usually subject to specific condi­tions related to specific reforms, such as anti-corruption reforms.

What is the perspective for the future?

All fields encom­passed by the EGD are covered by the provi­sions of the EU-Ukraine Associ­ation Agreement, which means that successful imple­men­tation of the Associ­ation Agreement will enhance Ukraine’s prospects in the EGD context. The upcoming revision (update) of the Associ­ation Agreement will strengthen Ukraine’s progress towards the EGD objec­tives, as well as  improve the prospects for a greater involvement of the country in the EGD processes in the EU.

The EGD creates a wide scope for mutually beneficial alignment of Ukraine’s policy and legis­lation with relevant EU policies and legis­lation, as well as cooper­ation between Ukraine and the EU in key areas of the EGD. The EGD commu­ni­cation itself and other imple­menting policy documents contain specific refer­ences to priority cooper­ation countries, and to Ukraine in particular. For example, the EU Hydrogen Strategy mentions Ukraine as a key partners. Ukraine already partic­i­pates in a number of green alliances (European Raw Materials Alliance, European Clean Hydrogen Alliance).

The EU has a general new proposal for its Neigh­bourhood Policy, while Ukraine and other associ­ation countries express the need for special “trio” approach, including with regard to to the EGD. It is very important to engage the EaP countries into discus­sions on the EGD in the EU to build the co-ownership of the process, including by taking into account specific circum­stances in each country.

Ukraine is willing to agree on an EGD roadmap with the EU, as are the Balkan countries. The devel­opment and imple­men­tation of such a roadmap could provide new impetus for a green trans­for­mation of Ukraine and support the EU’s own green transition. The EU and Ukraine should launch flagship initia­tives – mutually beneficial strategic partner­ships or projects on specific issues, including climate gover­nance archi­tecture, energy poverty eradi­cation, climate-oriented agriculture, hydrogen, Ukraine’s partic­i­pation in green alliances, devel­opment of a Natura 2000+ cluster to support biodi­versity protection in Europe. The EU and its member-states should support Ukraine’s integration into new green production chains through indus­trial dialogue, infor­mation exchange, support for invest­ments in green innovation and infra­structure. This will promote the integration of Ukraine’s businesses into the new green system of the EU. Separate flagship initia­tives could target green cities, green commu­nities, and more generally citizens of Ukraine (e.g. European Climate Pact and New European Bauhaus).

Nataliya Andru­sevych,
Chair of the Governing Board, Resource and Analysis Center “Society and Environment”

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