Closing panel: Rethinking common security — on the future of the European security order

Foto: Tobias Kunz

What conclu­sions can be drawn with regard to European security policy and the security order? Pavlo Klimkin, Agnieszka Brugger, Ulrich Speck and Roderich Kiesewetter agreed that the European security order is in a deep crisis.

Pavlo Klimkin, former Foreign Minister of Ukraine, stated: “The European security system we had is basically history.” Ralf Fücks pointed out: “We have a real insti­tu­tional crisis in the area of security. We are living in an increas­ingly fragile world that is becoming less and less predictable. We are seeing how the crises in our neigh­bour­hood are increasing. What is our response to this? We always say that Ukraine is a key, but that is not the only answer.”

“The rules must be backed up with power” (Ulrich Speck)

Ulrich Speck, foreign policy analyst and columnist for the NZZ newspaper, pointed out that the rules of the previous European security order still exist. “For the first time, however, we are in a situation where the rules must be backed up with power. What are we prepared to do about it? [...] We must invest in security against Russia. [...] We also need to create an alliance of liberal democ­ra­cies,” said Speck.

This view was shared by several partic­i­pants, including Agnieszka Brugger, Deputy Chair of the Bündnis 90/​Die Grünen parlia­men­tary group in the German Bundestag: “We must join forces with partners with demo­c­ratic values and become more vigilant and more resilient.” However, she also pointed out the dilemma that, on the one hand, we need more partners, but on the other hand, we have learnt that turning a blind eye, for example in relation to human rights, can very quickly backfire.

“The best security guarantee for Ukraine is NATO member­ship” (Roderich Kiesewetter)

Roderich Kiesewetter stated: “The best security guarantee for Ukraine is NATO member­ship.” Europe after the war will be more eastern, more ready for defence, more transat­lantic and more dynamic.


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