We won´t Accept the Outra­geous –
Demon­stration and rally on the anniversary of the Russian invasion

Demon­stration and rally
on the anniversary of the Russian invasion
Berlin, 24 February 2023
Start 4pm at Café Kyjiw 
(formerly Café MoskauKarl-Marx-Allee 34)
Final rally 6 pm at the Brandenburg Gate (Westside)
The demon­stration takes place in cooper­ation with the Ukrainian diaspora organ­i­sation “Vitsche”



The war against Ukraine has been dragging on for a painfully long year. Right before our eyes a war of annihi­lation is taking place, such as Europe has not seen since the Second World War. Tens of thousands of Ukrainian soldiers and civilians have been killed so far, many more wounded. Entire cities have been destroyed, residential quarters are being constantly bombed.

Russia is delib­er­ately attacking the energy supply facil­ities of Ukraine to plunge it into cold and darkness. Russian troops wield rape as a weapon. Prisoners of war and civilians are tortured. Deported Ukrainian children are handed over for adoption in Russia. About 14 million Ukrainians had to flee, half of them residing currently abroad. Cumula­tively, these atroc­ities fulfill key criteria of the United Nations Genocide Convention.

Russia’s war aims not only at the subju­gation of Ukraine, trying to eliminate any aspiration for national autonomy. At the same time, it is a full-scale attack on inter­na­tional law and the European Peace Order. If Putin gets away with this, Europe is heading toward dark times. The Russian neo-imperi­alism must be stopped in Ukraine, otherwise, the next war is only a matter of time.

Compared to the previous period, German politics has moved a great deal over the past year. However, compared with the tragedy that Ukraine is enduring, our support is still too hesitant. The delivery of Leopard tanks is an important step. More must follow. Ukraine urgently needs the full armament necessary to stop the air strikes and free its territory from Russian occupation.

Our fear of Putin escalating the war gives him a carte blanche to expand the violence against Ukraine. We must not stand by and watch a European country fight for its freedom and indepen­dence. This is not only a question of solidarity with Ukraine but a question of our own security, our funda­mental values, and self-respect.

Weapons are important. At the same time, Ukraine needs massive financial and technical assis­tance. Last but not least, those polit­i­cally respon­sible for the Russian war crimes must also be held accountable.

Every war is a human­i­tarian catastrophe. In this case, the only way to a just peace is through the failure of Russian aggression. The democ­ratic world must fully support and ensure that Ukraine wins this war.

Join us and show your solidarity with Ukraine!

Their cause is our cause too.


Supporters (DE)

Felix Ackermann, Aleida Assmann, Jan Assmann, Gerhart Baum, Marieluise Beck, Marianne Birthler, Agnieszka Brugger, Hans Christoph Buch, Reinhardt Bütikofer, Dany Cohn-Bendit, Tanja Dückers, Reimer Boy Eilers, Joschka Fischer, Peter Franck, Ute Frevert, Michel Friedman, Ralf Fücks, Volker Gerhardt, Mario Giordano, Katrin Göring-Eckardt, Gustav Gressel, Peter Gülke, Yuriy Gurzhy, Uwe-Michael Gutzschhahn, Rebecca Harms, Finn-Ole Heinrich, Anton Hofreiter, Lorenz Just, Jörg Kachelmann, Wladimir Kaminer, Andreas Kappeler, Roderich Kiesewetter, Burghart Klaußner, Gerd Koenen, Sybille Krämer, Sergey Lagodinsky, Norbert Lammert, Remko Leehmuis, Claus Leggewie, Thomas Lehr, Michael Lentz, Sabine Leutheusser-Schnar­ren­berger, Renate Liesmann-Baum, Marko Martin, Carlo Masala, Markus Meckel, Stefan Melle, Philipp Misselwitz, Herta Müller, Kerstin Müller, Wolfgang Niedecken, Jan Plamper, Elisabeth Plessen, Ruprecht Polenz, Katharina Raabe, Klaus Reichert, Thomas Roth, Norbert Röttgen, Manfred Sapper, Stefanie Schiffer, Karl Schlögel, Peter Schneider, Ulrich Schreiber, Hermann Schulz, Martin Schulze-Wessel, Volker Stanzel, Tobias Steinfeld, Marie-Agnes Strack-Zimmermann, Andreas Umland, Robin Wagener, Georg Witte, Michael Wolffsohn


Inter­na­tional supporters

Swetlana Alexi­je­w­itsch, Margaret Atwood, Paul Auster, Ricardo Azevedo, Giovanni Bachelet, Zsofia Ban, Anneke Brassinga, Brian Castro, Amir Hassan Chehelta, Biyu Suarez de Jaldin, Radka Denemarková, Lidija Dimkovska, Ariel Dorfmann, Jon Doust, György Dragomán, Lennard Eng, Catalin Florescu, Filip Florian, Paulo Giordano, Milton Hatoum, Stanka Hrastelj, Siri Hustved, Gerald Jatzek, Elfriede Jelinek, Rambharos Jha, Nuno Judice, Peter Stephan Jungk, Archil Kikodze, Enne Koens, Yang Lian, Tienchi Liao-Martin, Norman Manea, Ian McEwan, Vera Michalski-Hoffmann, Makena Onjerika, Peter Pabisch, Connie Palmen, Xu Pei, Patricio Pron, Nguyễn Le Nhan Quyền, Sergio Ramirez, Peter Ross Range, Ahmed Rashid, Willem M. Roggeman, Mohammed Abu Rummam, Alejandro Sanchez-Aizcorbe, K. Satchi­danandan, Irina Sherbakova, Mikhail Shishkin, Rafał Skarżycki, Timothy Snyder, Catarina Sobral, Piotr Sommer, Wole Soyinka, Gayatri Chakra­vorty Spivak, Valeriu Stancu, The Tjong-Khing, Eugeniusz Tkaczyszyn-Dycki, Tanja Tuma, Igor Tuveri, Amir Valle, Adriaan van Dis, Manuel Vilas, Haris Vlavianos, Jan Erik Vold, Catherine Vuylsteke, Liao Yiwu


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