Online Conversation: Rethinking Liberalism — What went wrong with Liberalism and what to do about it?
Wednesday October 14. 7 pm‑8.30 pm – via Zoom
Liberal democracy is at risk. From within, populist parties and movements are challenging open societies by exploiting fear of globalization, resentments against migrants and anger about social inequality. At the same time, authoritarian regimes are challenging the liberal order and actively undermine liberal democracies.
Liberalism as a school of thought and policy orientation has widely lost its attractive power. The times seem gone when Liberals have been a driving force for democracy, civil rights and a thriving economy. Today, Liberalism seems on the defense, widely associated with market radicalism and selfish interests of the rich and succesful.
Yet you will find liberal minds in almost every democratic party. And wherever people are standing up against authoritarian regimes – like now in Belarus -, liberal ideas are inspiring their call for freedom and dignity. Liberalism is far from dead, but clearly needs a profound renovation.
Ralf Fücks (Center for Liberal Modernity) will discuss the question “What went wrong with Liberalism and what to do about it?” with
- Goran Buldioski, Open Society Initiative for Europe (OSIFE), Open Society Foundations
- Tanja Börzel, Free University Berlin and SCRIPTS
- Karen Horn, University of Erfurt
- Amichai Magen, IDC Herzliya
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