Program “Eastern Partnership Plus”

Young people celebrate the European Day in Pokrovsk (© Alex Sun/​shutterstock)

With the program “Eastern Partnership Plus”, LibMod features the perspec­tives of Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine in political Berlin. The three asso­ci­a­tion coun­tries are to be pro­vided with an oppor­tu­nity to strengthen their mutual rela­tions and estab­lish inten­sive coop­er­a­tion with part­ners and actors from pol­i­tics, think tanks and civil society in Berlin.

The program includes work­shops, policy papers, brief­ings, and public dis­cus­sions in the German capital. The overall focus of the project is to promote polit­i­cal debate and EU engage­ment with the Eastern Part­ner­ship coun­tries, espe­cially Ukraine, Georgia and Moldova.

“Eastern Part­ner­ship Plus” is a project of the Center for Liberal Moder­nity (LibMod), funded be the German Federal Foreign Office.

Funded by:

LibMod Policy Papers and Input Papers

Find the collection of all of our
policy papers in english here.

Find the collection of all of our
input papers in english here.