Policy Paper Gustav C. Gressel 22. June 2020 LibMod Policy Paper: The Eastern Partnership’s missing security dimension In the LibMod policy paper: “The Eastern Partnership’s Missing Security Dimension” Gustav C. Gressel analyses the precarious security situation in the three EU associate countries and sheds light on EU...
17. June 2020 Understanding Ukraine Ukraine is undergoing profound transformation. One click will take you to the website www.ukraineverstehen.de, where you will find information, analyses and reports on the latest developments in the country. With a dedicated...
German-Russian Digital Civil Society Talks The Russian Government is trying to get access to the internet – perhaps the most important refuge for freedom of speech. Cyberspace is increasingly restricted through state censorship: state pressure...
Liberal democracy and its adversaries: Antiliberal thought from Weimar to the present day This aim of LibMod’s “Liberal Democracy and Its Adversaries” project is to examine the “long lines” of antiliberal thought and discuss its relevance for the debate of today. The project’s...
28. April 2020 Ulana Suprun: Government Agencies Are Using the Quarantine to Become Much Less Transparent An interview with Dr. Ulana Suprun, former acting minister of Health of Ukraine (2016–2019) on the government’s response to COVID-19, including an erratic communication strategy, a lack of transparency and corruption...
05. November 2019 Book from LibMod and KAS: Soziale Marktwirtschaft ökologisch erneuern Eco-innovations, economic opportunities and social participation in times of climate change are the subjects of this book, edited by Ralf Fücks and Thomas Köhler, in which widely acclaimed authors discuss...
Press Release 12. June 2019 Open Letter to PACE concerning Russia An Open Letter to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe: Please don’t deprive yourself of the right to impose sanctions on member states that are violating the statutes...
Press Release Ralf Fücks 22. May 2019 Security in Times of Change An introduction to our report and a summary of our results.
Essay Ralf Fücks 28. February 2019 Combining ecology and freedom Fly less! Eat less meat! In the struggle against climate change, there is one thing in particular we should do: moderate our lifestyles. Individual responsibility definitely matters. Will renunciation and...
Essay Armin Huttenlocher 27. January 2019 Every Attack on a Jew is an Attack on the Liberal World On this date 74 years ago, the Red Army liberated the Auschwitz-Birkenau extermination camp. The 27th of January became the Day of Remembrance for the Victims of National Socialism. Much has...
Debate Ralf Fücks, Nikolaus von Twickel 24. January 2019 Russia and the West – Do We Need a New Ostpolitik? On January 17 the Centre for Liberal Modernity held its second international Russia conference. This year’s topic was if Germany’s policy of detente of the 1970s can offer any guidance...
Book Review Wolfgang Eichwede 18. January 2019 Dangerous advisors The book discussed below (Why we need peace and freedom with Russia) explicitly presents itself as an appeal for a change in Germany’s policy towards Russia. It brings together authors from...
Didi Kirsten Tatlow 22. November 2018 Cultural Relativism and Power Blindness: Some critical observations on the state of Germany’s China debate For decades, Sinologists who were largely blind to China’s expansive power politics have dominated Germany’s political advice circles, cultivating an image of China that our author calls “Late Orientalism”. Shaped...
Essay Ralf Fücks 07. November 2018 Liberalism is dead, long live Liberalism! Over the last 200 years, Liberalism has been a stunning success story. It brought forward liberty and prosperity for the many instead of privileges for the few. Yet, today liberal thinking and...
Analysis Ralf Fücks 15. October 2018 Notes From Berlin — A Political Earthquake in Bavaria A summary of the elections in Bavaria, one of the major German states with more then 9 million voters.
18. September 2018 Save the Council of Europe With the annexation of Crimea and the undeclared war in Eastern Ukraine, the Russian leadership gravely violates the principles of the European peace order. In response, the Parliamentary Assembly of...
Analysis Sandra Detzer und Sebastian Schaffer 24. August 2018 The Comeback of the Swedish Center Party – an Eco-Liberal Story of Hope for Europe? Sandra Detzer und Sebastian Schaffer of the German Greens travel to Sweden where the right-wing-populist “Sweden Democrats” could win the election in September. But where danger is, rescue also grows:...
Debate Edward Lucas 17. May 2018 Stop Russia now, or lose to China later What will be at stake when Moscow and Beijing begin to share their lessons?
Factsheet Ralf Fücks, Christoph Becker 07. May 2018 Factcheck: Encirclement of Russia? Are Russia’s interventions in Georgia, Ukraine and Syria merely a reaction against the expansion of NATO? Facts and arguments concerning a propaganda myth.
Attila Juhasz 16. April 2018 After the Elections: Hungary Divided The elections on April 8, 2018 gave Viktor Orbán’s Fidesz party another two-thirds majority in parliament. Attila Juhasz explains why this does not imply a broad support for the concept of ‘illiberale democracy’. The hungarian...
From the Media Ralf Fücks 04. April 2018 Surviving the Storm: Liberal Democracy in Times of Change Society is caught up in a whirlwind of change. The power of liberal democracies is dwindling and the political balance in the world is shifting. An interview with Ralf Fücks on...
Dahlia Scheindlin 21. March 2018 Populist nativism of the East, West and Israel The anti-liberal revolt ist not limited to the US and Europe. Tendencies towards an ‘illiberal democracy’ and ethnic nationalism can be observed in Israel as well. The Israeli author Dahlia...
Event Nikolaus von Twickel 19. March 2018 The Putin System and the Kremlin’s Influence in Europe On March 13 the Center Liberal Modernity held its first international conference on Russia. The event’s main intention was gaining a deeper understanding of the Putin System and to find out...
Ralf Fücks, Marieluise Beck 18. March 2018 Understanding Russia A Russian agent who switched sides is attacked with a military-grade nerve agent in a provincial English town. Prime Minister May holds Moscow responsible for the attack. Are we back in the...
Antonella Forganni 28. February 2018 Elections in Italy: Sliding Slowly, Eyes Wide Open, into Durable Decline During the election campaign, appealing to people’s anger and demonizing the opponents is the most common strategy. Political programs hardly matter. The political landscape is highly fragmented. In election polls,...
Marieluise Beck 19. February 2018 Three years after Minsk II: Where are we now? Recapitulation of a faltering peace process: the second Minsk Agreement of February 2015, intended to put an end to the war in eastern Ukraine and to set a political process in motion,...
Comment Ralf Fücks 08. February 2018 Coalition agreement: The prolongation of the present into the future In the coalition agreement, the CDU and the SPD dodge important reforms and take a scattershot approach to the distribution of a great deal of money. The big challenges, like climate, demographic...
Matthias Meisner 05. February 2018 Far-right extremists in the Bundestag: Radical delegates from Saxony The five AfD Members of the Bundestag from Saxony are among the most radical in the party’s (Alternative for Germany) parliamentary group. At a party event near Pirna, the party base...
Analysis Karen Horn 31. January 2018 Freedom in Modern Times Karen Horn reminds us of forgotten, pioneering thinkers on liberty and highlights the necessary contradiction within which a modern liberalism exists: the tension between limiting state influence and recognizing that influence...
Jan Minx 25. January 2018 More Courage Needed to Protect the Climate The rapid development of wind and solar energy alone will not put an end to climate change. Greenhouse gas emissions continue to rise around the world. Even Germany has not...
Video 23. January 2018 Ivan Krastev: “Because of the Crisis, the EU Will Become a More Political Union” The EU as we knew it does not exist anymore. This is Ivan Krastev’s point of departure. The optimistic belief in the idea of progress that was widely held during...
Essay Micha Brumlik 15. December 2017 Hegel, Rawls and Mill: On the Grounds of a Modern Liberalism There can be no liberal modernity without social justice, which is why nothing can surpass the social democratic idea, which has been marginalized in the current SPD. Anyone, who is...
Essay Ralf Fücks 23. November 2017 What’s driving the anti-liberal revolt? And what should we do about it? The rapid pace of modernisation renders people susceptible to populism. In cosmopolitan milieus, this came as a surprise. Yet the warning signs had long been apparent.
Essay 15. November 2017 Who We Are and What We Want About the motives for founding a Center for Liberal Modernity.