A Need for Credible EU Strategy for the Eastern Partnership

Foto: Alvydas Kucas /​ shutterstock.com

Im Rahmen unseres Pro­jek­tes „Öst­li­che Part­ner­schaft 2.0“ ver­öf­fent­li­chen wir eine Arti­kel­reihe über die drei EU-Asso­­zi­ie­rungs­­­staa­ten (Ukraine, Geor­gien, Moldau). Autorin­nen und Autoren aus der Region ( Paata Gaprin­da­shvili, Mariam Tsitsikashvili, Hennadiy Maksak, Angela Gramada) ana­ly­sie­ren die Erwar­tungen an die deutsche Ratsprä­si­dent­schaft hinsichtlich der zukünf­tigen Ausge­staltung der Östlichen Partner­schaft aus zivil­ge­sell­schaft­licher Perspektive.

Launched in 2009, the Eastern Partnership (EaP) has been instru­mental in bringing the EU and the six partner countries (Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Republic of Moldova and Ukraine) closer together. Despite signi­ficant external and internal challenges along the road, thus far the policy has demons­trated its ability to promote greater stability, prosperity and resilience at the EU’s eastern frontier.

The partnership has sought to develop according to the interests, ambitions and progress of each partner, marked by Association Agree­ments (AA), including the Deep and Compre­hensive Free Trade Areas (DCFTAs) as well as visa-free regimes with three partner countries (Georgia, Ukraine, Republic of Moldova – the EU Associated Trio) together with a Compre­hensive and Enhanced Partnership Agreement with Armenia and a tailor-made engagement with Azerbaijan and Belarus. The partnership has inclu­sively delivered for all: EU-EaP trade has nearly doubled, turning the partner countries as a group into the EU’s tenth largest trading partner, creating or sustaining more than 250,000 jobs and enabling over 125,000 SMEs to benefit directly from EU funding.[1]

Crisis is the best test of friendship, and the EU has successfully passed this test by swiftly holding out a helping hand to its EaP partners during the corona­virus outbreak. The European Commission has mobilised an emergency support package for its EaP partners, comprising €80 million for immediate needs and up to €900 million in support for their short and medium term social and economic recovery.[2]

The EaP will eventually play much more signi­ficant role for the EU politi­cally, econo­mically and in terms of security, perhaps even a greater role than that of the Western Balkans. The success of trans­for­mation and democra­tis­ation in the EaP can offer up a positive example for other countries in the wider Eurasian continent, not to mention the fact that the EaP is key to the EU’s access to Central Asia.

EU Joint Commu­ni­cation – New long-term policy objectives?

On March 18, 2020 the European Commission and the High Repre­sen­tative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy put forward a proposal outlining new policy objec­tives for the Eastern Partnership beyond 2020[3] that was later supported by the Council’s conclu­sions.[4] At a meeting of the Eastern Partnership leaders held on 19 June 2020, heads of the EU and EaP states endorsed a new long-term policy framework to guide the EaP’s next decade. Both the joint commu­ni­cation and the conclu­sions maintain the focus on the fields of the economy, good gover­nance and society, while envisaging greater support vis-à-vis ecolo­gical and digital transformations.

While its priorities are very similar to those defined at the November 2017 EaP Summit, the new policy proposal outlines measures enabling a better response to the challenges in the area of gover­nance. Notably, as the joint commu­ni­cation stresses, the EU’s financial assis­tance for partners would be deter­mined by their progress in reforms streng­thening the rule of law.[5] The EU also commits itself to developing more robust monitoring mecha­nisms and verifiable bench­marks for evaluating progress in the EaP. This incentive-based approach in conjunction with the increased oversight could substan­tially boost the EaP’s trans­for­mative power, something that the “20 deliver­ables for 2020” found difficult to achieve in the field of the rule of law.

Within the renewed agenda vis-à-vis economic coope­ration, the EU is committing itself to support the efforts of partner countries to join the Single Euro Payment Area (SEPA), the benefits of which would include cheaper, safer and faster cross-border payments. More importantly, the new policy framework provides for the EU to step up its partnership with inter­na­tional financial insti­tu­tions even further and to develop an innovative and smart financing programme for the EaP countries. The EU’s readiness to help partner countries safeguard macroe­co­nomic stability and incen­tivise struc­tural reforms through EU Macro-Financial Assis­tance is yet another commitment that supports the EaP’s aims in the economic domain.

In the context of digital trans­for­mation, which is marked out as one of the policy priorities, the EU commits itself to the extension of secure and very high capacity Gigabit broadband infra­struc­tures in the EaP area and to supporting intra-EaP roaming and spectrum agree­ments; however, still not embracing a roaming fees-free regime with them.

Despite its claim to be “new”, the proposed EaP policy framework contains little that can be regarded as genuinely novel: the only new initiative proposed relates to a “deal for youth”, which includes, among other things, the creation of a mobility and exchange programme for young profes­sionals from the EaP countries. Overall, the policy objec­tives proposed lack a strategic and genuinely future-oriented vision that would make the EU-EaP coope­ration and integration process a real priority in the context of the EU’s own political, economic and security interests. In parti­cular, the new policy framework falls short of supporting and promoting the process of deepening the partnership between the EU and three associated partners as well as among the Trio (Georgia, Ukraine, Republic of Moldova) and of taking this partnership to the next level.

Treat the regions equally 

Currently, the EU’s Eastern Partnership does not foresee the accession of the partner countries to the Union. A month before publi­shing the new EaP policy framework, the Commission brought out a similar commu­ni­cation regarding the Western Balkans,[6] in which it acknow­ledges the fact that a credible accession perspective is a key incentive and driver of democratic trans­for­mation in the Western Balkans. Yet the EU continues to ignore the importance of such a perspective in the case of the EaP. The new EaP policy framework can and should facilitate a process of gradual integration into the EU with a renewed commitment by the partners to undertake further compre­hensive reforms. Without a clearly defined strategic goal, the EU risks jeopar­dising even the progress already achieved in the EaP. In this context, it is the European perspective that can successfully act as a catalyst for full-fledged democra­tis­ation and further reforms in the EaP region, as the European Parliament acknow­ledged in its latest recom­men­dation to the Commission and the Council.[7]

The major takeaway of the Eastern Partnership leaders’ video confe­rence on 18 June 2020 was the decision to hold a physical summit in March 2021 at which they will again endorse five policy priorities in a joint decla­ration. However, the decla­ration to be made at this summit should go beyond these priorities. The EU should define strong objec­tives and identify milestones, as it did for the 2009–2017 period. These should provide for the conti­nuous and effective imple­men­tation of the DCFTAs and compliance with legal, economic and technical regula­tions and standards leading to the gradual opening of the EU single market and the estab­lishment of a common economic space, as well as sectoral integration in key areas of common interest such as transport, digita­li­sation or the environment. The European Parliament’s recent resolution encou­rages the use of such an approach, recom­mending that the EU should embark on a process of deeper economic coope­ration between EaP countries and the EU using the path trodden with the Western Balkan countries.

For their part, the EaP’s associated partners should genuinely promote inclusive regional coope­ration among themselves and deepen regional economic integration based on EU rules and standards, thereby bringing the region and its companies closer to the EU single market. This would not only bring benefits to their citizens but also lead to a common regional positioning which will be stronger and more persuasive than the efforts on the part of individual countries to integrate with the EU.

The coming decade will see Russia and other rivals seeking to advance their illegi­timate geopo­li­tical interests further in the EaP region and elsewhere. As is widely recog­nised in the EU, the absence of a credible EU strategy towards the Western Balkans would reduce the EU’s credi­bility and poten­tially fuel natio­nalist rhetoric in the region in question, whilst opening the door to the influence of third-country powers, in parti­cular, Russia and China. This is even truer in the case of the EaP. Therefore, a strategic dialogue to be held with Russia, an idea that French President Macron enter­tained last year, should not provide the Kremlin with “guarantees on no further EU enlar­gement”. Instead, the dialogue should serve and promote the EU’s legitimate strategic interests in its neigh­bourhood. In short, the EU needs to develop a “new Ostpo­litik”, to use a term coined by German Foreign Minister Heiko Maas, one aimed at identi­fying new ways to cooperate with Russia in the interests of all European countries and at reaching out to EaP countries independent of the “Russian factor”.

During her visit to Georgia in August 2018, the German chancellor Angela Merkel named Georgia and Ukraine as the next potential pair of states with which the EU may start talks following the accession of the Western Balkan countries.[8] During its EU presi­dency, Germany needs to back up this statement and introduce merit-based dynamism to the EaP. The EaP should not remain merely an offer but become a credible and full-fledged European policy, indis­pensable for the EU’s credi­bility as well as its influence in the region and beyond.



[1] Joint Commu­ni­cation: Eastern Partnership Policy Beyond 2020: Reinforcing Resilience – An Eastern Partnership that Delivers for All. Available at https://eeas.europa.eu/headquarters/headquarters-homepage/76166/joint-communication-eastern-partnership-policy-beyond-2020-reinforcing-resilience-%E2%80%93-eastern_en

[2] The EU’s response to the corona­virus pandemic in the Eastern Partnership. Available at https://ec.europa.eu/neighbourhood-enlargement/sites/near/files/coronavirus_support_eap.pdf

[3] Eastern Partnership: Commission Proposes New Policy Objec­tives for Beyond 2020. Available at https://ec.europa.eu/commission/presscorner/detail/en/IP_20_452

[4] Eastern Partnership Policy Beyond 2020: Council Approves Conclu­sions. Available at https://www.consilium.europa.eu/en/press/press-releases/2020/05/11/eastern-partnership-policy-beyond-2020-council-approves-conclusions/

[5] Eastern Partnership Policy Beyond 2020: Reinforcing Resilience – an Eastern Partnership that Delivers for All. Available at https://eeas.europa.eu/sites/eeas/files/1_en_act_part1_v6.pdf

[6] The European Commission, “A More Credible, Dynamic, Predic­table and Political EU Accession Process – Commission Lays Out its Proposals”. Available at https://ec.europa.eu/commission/presscorner/detail/en/ip_20_181

[7] European Parliament recom­men­dation to the Council, the Commission and the Vice-President of the Commission /​ High Repre­sen­tative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy on the Eastern Partnership in the run-up to the June 2020 Summit. Available at https://www.europarl.europa.eu/doceo/document/A‑9–2020-0112_EN.html

[8] Paata Gaprin­da­shvili and Mariam Tsitsikashvili. “Ten Years Since the Russian-Georgian War: A New German ‘Ostpo­litik’ is Needed”. Available at http://iep-berlin.de/blog/10-years-since-the-russian-georgian-war-a-new-german-ostpolitik-is-needed/


Paata Gaprin­da­shvili & Mariam Tsitsikashvili (Georgia’s Reforms Associates (GRASS))