LibMod stands for the defense and renewal of liberal democracy, for the dawn of ecological modernity, and for in-depth expertise on Eastern Europe. We see ourselves as a political think tank, debate platform and rallying point for free spirits of
various stripes. 

Ukraine and Us.
Where do we go from here?

21 March, 13.00–18.00

Ukraine’s Fight for
Freedom, Justice,
Human Rights, and
the Future of Europe

A Con­ver­sa­tion with
Maksym Butkevych

Ukraine’s Fight for Freedom, Justice,
Human Rights, and the Future of Europe
A Con­ver­sa­tion with Maksym Butkevych
The Russian
Policy Paper
A Polish-German expert paper
for a new Russia policy
#Dieser Text wird in „Content“ bearbeitet
Challenges to Liber­alism in Turbulent Times
Invitation to the Inter­na­tional Conference
16 January
2025, Berlin
#Dieser Text wird in „Content“ bearbeitet
Georgia needs
our support now!
Open Letter to the German Government
EU-Enlargement in
the Context of
Geopol­itics, Reform Require­ments and Absorption Capacity
Inter­na­tional Conference
13 November, Berlin
”What kind of Peace?
10.02.1977 — 22.09.2024
In memoriam Iryna Solonenko
Post-election analysis:
This is not 1933
Analysis by Alan Posener
Inter­na­tional conference:
“EU enlargement —
a geopo­litical necessity
and the next steps for the EU candidate states”
Policy Paper by Nico Lange
How German Hesitancy Prolongs the
War against Ukraine
Online Discussion on July 18th 2024
Action plan for Ukraine’s energy system
An Open Letter to Germany’s Leaders from Inter­na­tional and German Experts.
Chancellor Scholz Must
Change Course and
Support Ukraine to Win


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