Rethinking Revisited: Conference Highlights – Rethinking Liberalism, Renewing Democracy

Finally: Here are the Insights and Highlights of our International Conference „Rethinking Liberalism, Renewing Democracy“!
Liberal democracy is under attack: From authoritarian regimes on the outside and from populist movements and parties at the inside. What is now needed is a profound renewal. Read here: Why we need to rethink liberalism. At our International Conference on December 2nd 2021 we discussed precisely the question of how to revive advanced liberal democracies, we took a closer look at the blind spots of liberalism and explored challenges and opportunities for social coherence in heterogeneous societies. Moreover we talked about systemic competition with autoritarian states and a new global order and discussed liberal answers to climate change.
We thank all our guests, speakers and participants online for the lively dicussions at our conference! Special thanks to:
Prof. Dr. Larry Diamond, Professor of Sociology and Political Science at Stanford University and Senior Fellow at the Hoover Institution; Amichai Magen, IDC Herzliya; Goran Buldioski, Open Society Foundations, Wolfgang Merkel, Social Science Center Berlin; Ursula Weidenfeld, Journalist; Sabine Doering, University of Tuebingen, Karolina Wigura, Robert-Bosch-Fellow; Alan Posener, Journalist; Nicolas Tenzer, Science Po Paris; Julia Hertin, German Advisory Council on the Environment; Cornelia Schu, Expert Council on Integration and Migration; Jacek Kurcharczyk, IEP Warzawa; Jan Zielonka, University of Oxford; Michael Zürn, Social Science Center Berlin and SCRIPTS
View the programme of the conference here.
The conference was sponsored by the Friede-Springer Foundation and the ZEIT-Stiftung Ebelin und Gerd Bucerius.
Conference Highlights
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Keynote of Prof. Larry Diamond
Prof. Larry Diamond delivered a keynote with an insight into his academic work on the challenges of democracies. He identified key trends, that are deepening democratic recession, causes for this development and offered an outlook on how to revive advanced liberal democracies.
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Panel: The Blind Spots of Liberalism
What went wrong with #liberalism? Has there been a liberal overstretch in promoting liberal #democracy worldwide? And what is for instance the problem with identity politics from the right and left in liberal societies? We discussed these questions of blind spots and the future of liberalism with Sabine Doering, University of Tuebingen, Jan Zielonka, University of Oxford and Michael Zürn, Social Science Center Berlin and SCRIPTS, moderated by Ralf Fücks, Director of the Center for Liberal Modernity.
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Wolfang Merkel on the Resilience of Democracy
How can democracies become more resilient? Do modern, heterogenous societies need a common narrative? And how can we strengthen social inclusion and participation?
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Social Coherence in Heterogeneous Societies – Interview with Wolfgang Merkel
Why is social coherence in heterogeneous societies a major challenge of our time? We asked Wolfgang Merkel, Prof. Berlin Social Science Center, Prof. em. HU-Berlin, at our international conference „Rethinking Liberalism, Renewing Democracy“.
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Systemic Competition with Authoritarian Regimes – Interview with Nicolas Tenzer
Is systemic competition with authoritarian regimes a threat to liberal democracy? Are authoritarian states taking over in a new global order? Nicolas Tenzer, Guest Prof. at Sciences Po’s Paris School of International Affairs, talkes about his stance on the meaning of liberalism in the current global order as well as its future potentials.
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